It is one of the most feared aspects of the job search and career change process. So much so in fact that the prospect of a job interview can put fear into even the most self-confident, articulate and accomplished job seekers. The explanation for this fear lies in the nature of job interviews as a complex performance which you won’t do well in unless you rehearse well. If you haven’t rehearsed however, just with any other performance you may get stage fright.Everyone that has had a job has probably had a job interview at some stage or another in their career. But do interviews work? Before we talk about what you ought to do to enhance your performance in interviews it is worth asking the question, do interviews actually work. This may seem like a silly question to some as interviews are so common place in the workplace regardless of which industry you work. But the reality is that interviews are not a very good predictor of job performance. If fact, it&#821
Do You Have the Job Interview X-Factor?