Hey buddy,
It not a laughing matter, you are not a lone. In Nigeria of today, it is a tall order. But I advise to look in another, get self employed. That another tall order, but it can be done cause I have done it.
people.i need help.u r free 2 laugh but afterwards please assist me.iav a 3rd class.does any 1 know wia i can get a job
Hey buddy,
It not a laughing matter, you are not a lone. In Nigeria of today, it is a tall order. But I advise to look in another, get self employed. That another tall order, but it can be done cause I have done it.
Don't kill urself becos u hav a 3rd class. U can go 4 a PGD or get self-employed. My woman took tese options and she is doing wonderfully well. All d best.!
Cornelius Kadiri
Being true to ur self is the first step to make it, congrate. look right inside your self and u will see that u have somthing that is more than ur result.
See u at the top.
Having 3rd class doesnt make u a 3rd class person. if u can set your mind at whatever u want to do u might end up employing 1st class people. U may go for a PGD as someone said or try one or two places go to aptitude test place eg UBA and write their tests. U can always defend yourself at the interview hall
All D best bro. And dont you EVER forget the place of GOD.
HE alone makes disappointments to be strenght.
Do unto others as u want them to do to you
dont worry bro,there is a god.try doin more to add more value to ur self.write prof exams,get a mba and u will see the sky wont be ur limit.goodluck.
Jesus loves ya
jst have a positive mind abt it,life is an equal oppounity,my cousin had a 3rd class in pure maths but she isa now workin with intercontinentalbank jst be prayerful abt it then c wat life has to offer yu
Look, forget the third class.
If u see an advert that requires a 2nd class upper apply. You may be shortlisted, if not, it's not ur time yet.
A scenario, I know someone who graduated with a 3rd class, today the guy is working in the best NGO in the world. and doing a Phd now.
Don't listen anyone saying you cant be what u want to be. A secondary school leaver makes it in this world. Believe in yourself, trust God and work hard.........................YOU MUST MAKE IT!!
Dat doznt make u a 3rd class citizen fellow...Look 4 ways 2 better urself.
have faith in God cos ur destiny is not tied to ur certificate!
hi brother i feel your predicaments . i also have a 3rd class from the university of lagos and i must tell you it was acery bad feeling then. after i graduated i made up my mind to add something to my degree every tear and it has been worth it all the way .
in 2003 i did ccna
in 2004 i went for youth service
in 2005 i took training and did the exams for proficiency certificate in management from the Nigerian institute of management
in 2006 i did my M.Sc. in university of lagos
in 2007 am working at pan african university lagos business school
and i am also a GIS consultant with majors in location Based Services, fleet management and vehicle tracking
please fee free to call me on my direct line 24 hours 01-8711210 i will sure like to see u personally
i know of someone who has a third class and is currently working in an oil coy.
hello,the third class should not define who you are?The university system in nigeria is facing a downturn.This of course,everybody knows,even coys are aware.Do your best in the tests that u can write and portray your value in the interviews.Remember,u can be the best.it should motivate u,not derail your potentials.u can achieve the best.above all,pray.