that was a nice one.
keep it up yinka![]()
10 Ways to Blow the Interview
Information abounds regarding what you should say in an interview. But it can be just as important to realize what not to say. It is also imperative to note that what you say can be communicated through both your words and actions.
1. You arrive late to the interview.
What it means: "I really don't care about getting this position."
Arrive a healthy 15 minutes before your scheduled appointment to give you time to collect your thoughts, review your notes and make a good first impression.
2. You're rude to the receptionist.
What it means: "I'm difficult to get along with."
Receptionists are the gate keepers and it's their job to be the eyes and ears of the company," cautions Lauren Milligan, founder and CEO of ResuMAYDAY, Inc. Besides, if hired, you may need their cooperation one day.
3. You answer questions with trite or cliché responses.
What it means: "I'm just one of the crowd."
Telling the interviewer you are a perfectionist and expect too much of yourself is sure to elicit a yawn, if not a discreet roll of the eyes, Milligan warns. Prepare potential responses ahead of time to avoid relying on the usuals.
4. You don't ask questions.
What it means: "I'm not that interested in your company."
The interview should be a two-way conversation "to determine if you are the right fit for the company, and if the company is the right fit for you," Milligan says. Use the interview to gather as much information about your potential new position as possible.
5. You answer the standard "Tell us about yourself," with "What would you like to know?"
What it means: "I have nothing special to offer this company."
This is your opportunity to steer the conversation into areas where you truly shine. Don't waste this chance by appearing to lack any outstanding qualities you want to share. And please don't start with where you were born. Focus on your career unless your birthplace is relevant to the job.
6. You use inappropriate language.
What it means: "I'm unprofessional and if it shows in the short span of an interview, imagine what I'll be like in the office."
Even if they're only mild and somewhat acceptable words, there still is no place for them in the interview.
7. You trash-talk your former boss.
What it means: "I have no discretion; I'll blab any inside information."
"If you left your prior job on poor terms, you need to put this relationship in a positive light for the interview," Milligan advises. "Even if your boss was to blame." You never want to bring negativity or antagonistic emotions into the interview. Keep it positive and upbeat.
8. You ask the interviewer to not contact your former employer.
What it means: "I have something to hide."
Even if you do not get along with your boss, you can always name someone else in the organization as a reference.
9. You exaggerate your accomplishments or credentials.
What it means: "I'm not good enough on my own merits, so I need to lie to make myself look good."
A skilled interviewer can easily identify fabrications in your background or experience. State your qualifications with confidence. You don't have to be Superman to get hired; you just have to be right for the job.
10. You don't thank the interviewer.
What it means: "I have no manners."
Forgetting to thank your interviewers for their time can take the luster from even the most stellar interviewee.
courtesy of Career
The help of God is the greatest need of any person...
that was a nice one.
keep it up yinka![]()
very nice
i attended an interview but did not ask a question is it that bad! secondly when i am tensed i smile is that bad too!
It depends...there are no hard and fast rules to these things.
That one's gone so not much u can do about it.
U see the major thing with these interviews...particularly when it gets to the oral level it's to do something(s) that leaves a lasting impression. If u were a recruiter and u had to interview people all day, u would probably begin to forget how u had interviewed by the time u were half way through. What would stand out to u would be specific candidates (probably not by even name) but by the impression they left: 1. That guy that asked interesting questions about the company/recruitment process
2. That lady that once really enthusiastic/engaging
3. That lady that told as thank you for our time.....etc
Remember that u put a lot into ur CV to differentiate u and make u stand out from the pack. This still applies to when u go for must seek to leave a lasting impression.
Wishing you the best
The help of God is the greatest need of any person...
YINKA MAY GOD BLESS YOU FOR THIS WONDERFUL TIPS. I am hoping and praying that God will help us all excel in our various endeavors.
pls i would like you to throw more light on the issue of 'can we get to know you' and still talk about the terrifying question"price yourself"
sometimes these questions can put one off balance and that can mar ones opportunity of being hired.
thak you for your swift response.
I thing i feel you. The 'can we get to know' is often regarded as one of the most problematic questions...well along with. 'tell us your major weakness' and 'if you could be one animal in the world, which would you want to be'.
It's always tempting to take 5 mins when asked 'can we get to know you' and hurriedly try to summarize ur CV. Most people begin losing concentration. at about the fourth minute of a continuous speech (unless u are telling a really good story!!). I'd suggest you take 3 minutes to talk about yourself. Emphasize personal strengths that can be job-related (I'm a flexible person, i enjoy working in teams, i have a passion for continuous improvement). You could mention a bit about your skills; but be careful; remember that there are probably questions on that further down their list. Think of it as an executive summary of yourself, it has to be brief & concise and yet leave the interviewers with a definate picture of the kind of person you are.
Wishing you the best.
1. If the 'tell us your major weakness' comes up don't say perfectionist...everybody says that. Find something about yourself that's not that bad and can actually be turned to a strength in an organization. For example you could say that you are naturally goal oriented and wants to meet your orginal targets so u tend to push ideas for longer than necessary...that's actually a good thing in disguise. U can then mention that you are currently working on yourself to be able to make realistic assesments of the tasks you undertake and adjust your goals accordingly....irrespectively of how deeply you have involved yourself in them.
2. The animal question is more or less like a psychometric test.....just to get a picture of your personality...just think about that one an come up with an animal that has a unique characteristic u like (Eagle implies foresight, Lion implies dominance, etc)...just don't say rat!! Well not unless you have a really good reason
The help of God is the greatest need of any person...
Sorry missed the 'price yourself' one. That one's a bit funny...personally i think the best way of handling that is to be professional and to ask to them state their prospective salary as you cannot place a price on your current value since you are always improving yourself and adding value to yourself. Once they ask anything else or try to dodge you; tell them that; 'well you know that the general industry price of that job @ your qualification is about ........('whatever the amount, i'm sure u'll have an idea), then tell them you are willing to settle for that amount, probably a little bit less but that you wouldn't mind a little bit more!!
The help of God is the greatest need of any person...
Thank you so much. you have saved me some heart attacks.
the truth is that i havnt attended an interview with corporate organisation before and I will be having one soon.
thanks all the way.
God bless.
Thanks alot Yinka for those tips they are really superb.
I quess it will really help us the fresh ones that have not atteneded an
interview ones.
thanks Yinka. God bless u indeed. that was awesome. who says the beautifl ones r not yet born? let them think again.
i like what i have just read now, to me, its ok, keep it up and i believe you can write some more tips more important and better off than this.
eh guy you are doing a great job keep the ball rolling.Originally Posted by Yinka