How do you impress the interviewer and make her believe in you? Here are some job interview tips to complement my best job interview tip:

* Research the company. Before the interview, conduct a more thorough research on the company's products and services, market position, how it's different from its competitions -- as you had initially done before you wrote your resumes.

If the employer is a public company, find out the financial report, industry trends, and where it excels. From its annual report or web site discover its vision, mission, values and how it practices them through several news regarding the recent comings and goings of its key people.

* Assess your characteristics and application letter. Before the interview, armed with several career test results assess your career objectives, personality, aptitudes, interests and values. Check out which characteristics are suitable and the ones that aren't compatible to the company's job openings.

Pull out the successful cover letter and resume -- the ones that get interview call. Find out which critical qualities attract the employer.

* Rehearse common interview questions and answers. Learn every possible job interview question and answer from the free interview answers sample so you'll have good answer for each interview question.

During this preparation you may want to make sure that your answers to questions during the interview will reduce any job misfits perceived by interviewer. Find a friend to practice interviewing role playing with questions and answers to secretarial interviews -- as a job interview questions and answers example.

Since more and more hiring managers adopt behavioral interviews to replace conventional job interviews you need to know also behavioral interviewing guide. So, learn these behavioral interview answers and rehearse them by creating your own stories.

* Interview Etiquette. During the interview, make yourself comfortable and relax by adopting gestures that are natural to you in the form of natural body language and appropriate eye contact.

Be organized also in your dress, manner and handling your paper. Show your confidence and enthusiasm without being arrogant while answering every question asked by the interviewer. Every time you have a chance summarize your degree of "fit" to the job.

* Question to Ask at a Job Interview. During the interview, once you are expected to ask questions ask about corporate culture, job descriptions, the organization's goals, performance reviews, career advancement, general compensation, and the next step.

* Write a thank you letter after the Interview. No later than 24 hours after the interview, send a thank you letter after interview to your prospective employers, mentioning that you thank the interviewer for the interview opportunity and emphasize on how you fit to the job. The letter will become an effective interview thank you letter if you're remembered as the qualified, highly-motivated candidate.

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