There are well over 300 million people in the NIGERIAN today. Looking for a job as one of them can prove to be no easy fact, according to national statistics, you could be at it for nine months or more! Chances are good that you're going to need a serious edge over the competition if you want to get a good job.
Luckily, such an edge does in fact exist. Nothing in the world is guaranteed to make bosses line up and beg you to join their company, but this particular edge can seriously boost your shot at nailing a great job and rip apart your time spent unemployed. This edge, my friend, is your cover letter.
The right cover letter is like showing up to your interview in a beautiful, perfectly-fitted Armani suit. It exudes professionalism, makes you look good, and makes you appealing to employers. Now imagine that same interview, except you show up in a ratty pile of rags that look like you stole them off of a bum on the street. Imagine that interview going a little differently? That's what the wrong cover letter is like. And the worst thing is, to use no cover letter is like showing up naked! Yikes!
Your first round to get through is the cover letter round. It's the first thing they'll look at, and it's the first chance for you to impress them. In the initial culling, the Armani cover letters keep going, while the ragtag and nonexistant cover letters get thrown in the incinerator where they belong. Clearly, a good cover letter is important.
So how does one go about the acquisition of an Armani cover letter? One of the tried-and-true methods is to find somebody who's written one and learn from them. Look at some cover letter examples and see what makes them so great. Learning from the best has been a classic way of improving one's own skills for almost as long as the human race has existed.
And another good thing about taking this particular road is that you'll also be building important critical thinking and analysis skills. That sounds boring and difficult, but it's really not a big deal, and it looks really good to employers. Skills like that make you valuable as an employee, and that means job security.
But I feel I must stress to you one thing right now. A great cover letter has two things required of it that it simply MUST do in order to really be a success. First, it has to present your qualifications. That goes hand in hand with a resume, to which a cover letter is attached anyways. That's kinda common sense, and not too difficult to understand.
Most important, however, is that a cover letter MUST pave the way for an interview. If your cover letter doesn't broach the subject of an interview or even flat-out try to set one up, you're not achieving the full effect of what a cover letter can do for you. It's the job of the cover letter to make an employer stop seeing you as just another sheet of paper in an endless stack cluttering up his desk, and get you in front of that person as one of the few well-qualified people for the job. The cover letter is the conduit for you to move from textual communication to face-to-face communication. If your cover letter can get you into an interview, you can finally call it a success.
To get started, you can find some free tips by visiting this site. There you'll find all you need to learn how to write a cover letter. With that knowledge at your disposal, you can get a job faster