in addition, u must show them invitation on ur phone by hr indexx
Hello House, 4 those who were invited for sahara interview last week and couldn't go. tuesday is another day. but make sure u come wit ur ID card or drivers license but alternatively ur birth cert. i wish u guys all d best. i did mine on saturday. u can call 08068438647 for more info
in addition, u must show them invitation on ur phone by hr indexx
the vert comprises of 15 maths and 20 english questions all below g mat standard. u are expected to answer at least 28 out of d 35. time is 20 mins 4 all. u'll also hav 2 wait 4 d result. then successful candidates will b interviewed dat same day. all the best. (i don die o house. i go post my number now na me de suffer am. even people de call me at midnite. i don vex i no de give una expo again)
What is the time for the test on tuesday, i was called but i couldn't make it on saturday, is it going to be 2 sets of test or what, just need info. i mean 8.30am and 12.00noon as people claimed b4 info to 08053029927
i have afriend who wrote d test and the sms wasnt demanded. though he was invited
I wish you all the best of luck,success.
the time doesn't matter ok.Originally Posted by Aflabos
they are not 2 strict in checking text messages. i don't doubt it at all. but 2 prevent the unexpected, display ur text cos u may be asked to wait until others finish.Originally Posted by Johnny b
Chihums thanks very much for your guidiance, it was very helpful.
I called you; and you responded positively - May God bless you.
I wish you success in all your endeavours... Have a wonderful day. Cheers!
Demmy, you are welcome. we will all get a good job soon. may God bless ur endeavours 2. all d best.
Demmy, you are welcome. we will all get a good job soon. may God bless ur endeavours 2. all d best.
House, is gate crashing allowed?
do good and good will follow u