thanks alot, i do really appreciate this kind gesture of yours.
do remain blessed.
Sahara sent emails/texts inviting some people for 1st stage interview.I think the intervw would be slightly different from the mgt talent.just prepare as you would for an engineering intervw and pls be as practical as possible.PRACTICAL!! 'I dont have experience' you might want to say,but believe me you learnt some engineering concepts in school for which you can beat your chest as par relating perfectly the theory and the practical expressions.The intervw might just be straight forward.
Please go with copies of your CV, valid ID-drivers licence,birth cert,intl passport and credentials.
Most oil & gas/other intervws involve a group discussion, one-on-one discussion(questn session) with d interviewers, and sometimes a a one-on-one session that involves your problem-solvin skill.As Engineers,Management or HR people,we could work together.If you need more info u cld text or call 08089550186 .IN GOD WE TRUST.Wish you all the best
thanks alot, i do really appreciate this kind gesture of yours.
do remain blessed.
thanks man. cool
MEEEEEEEEEEn them never send me text nor e-mail oh. wetin man go do now?
I read that Sahara Bank calls for interview but why im i not informed?
tanx man,wen is d closing date.