Hello Friend,
Yes, you read the subject well. You can become whatever you choose to be. The great men and women of all times choose what the wish to become themselves.

Situations and circumstance sometimes may not allow you but you are the one that will keep pushing further to survive.

Bill Gates, Abraham Lincoln, Micheal Dell, Myself
we all had problems but we kept pushing on and on. You can also do it.

This is a song I love singing, though you may not know the sound but the wordings/lyrics is what matters most:

You can become whatever you choose to be;
No man, no woman, no knave can say no;
For we believe that man is a potential Doctor, Lawyer, Cook, A dwarf or Giant;
Whichever he sets his mind to be, one to be;
And therefore we shall work, and work and work;
Work our fingers to the bone;
So shall it be;

This is a song great men and women sing at all times. Get the message clear.

I care for your success.
Lateef Odumesi (Online Business Expert)
0805 2243 778