The training is Equity Research Assistant Training: In other words it is training for people who seek a career in analyzing the stock market, companies on the stock exchange and who want to understand how to analyze data related to the above. This training assumes no prior knowledge of equity research. Location will be in Lagos. The introductory fee is N60,000.00 (Sixty thousand naira). Each batch will only have 8- 10 people in it. The training takes place over four days in two weeks (2 consecutive Saturdays and Sundays). 12noon - 4pm on Sundays and 9am - 6pm on Saturdays with an hour break in between. By the time the program is over you are expected to understand how to calculate variables that are in annual reports and understand what the answers mean. You will also understand how to analyze vast amounts of data in quick and efficient manner while understanding what the numbers are telling you. Bring a new notebook for note taking. Kindly send an email to [email protected] to confirm interest so that we can begin to shortlist probable trainees. After that a phone call will be made to the first batch of trainees.

Training will commence end of June. Signify interest asap so that payment and other logistic details can be provided to you. Payment locks up your spot. Regards, Facilitator