Experience the 'new' land of opportunity with paid internships in Beijing and Shanghai. As one of the world’s fastest growing economies, China is quickly becoming the new land of opportunity. With over four years of expertise, AfriCOM with her partners offers students and graduates the ability to acquire invaluable working experience in two of the world's largest and most vibrant cities: Beijing and Shanghai. Through our China Internship Program with our partner, you will obtain insightful knowledge of Chinese business, culture, and language, while working for some of the country’s top companies. With this program, participants will positively impact their CV or Resume, and become significantly more marketable to a future employer. Our well-respected program will provide you with an unforgettable experience full of professional and personal development.

What is China Internship Program?
An Internship in Beijing or Shanghai is an opportunity to be placed temporarily with a professional company in a particular industry. It gives you the chance to determine whether you like the industry and can provide the experience and skills necessary to progress further in your chosen career field. A supervisor may be assigned to the intern to provide appropriate training and supervision of projects.

Who makes a good candidate to intern in China?
Generally, students and graduates who have excellent people skills, are willing to immerse themselves in a different culture, and are ready to move forward in their careers are good candidates for internships in China. A good work ethic and the ability to fulfill responsibilities and accept new challenges are also important qualities to possess.

Call on us on 08033248870.