Did you know that you can get a reasonable scholarship or tangible reduction in your tuition fees by having a good score in your TOEFL examination? Most students are not aware of this great opportunity and they continue to miss out on the scholarship offer.
It is important for students to know and understand that various opportunities like this are available all year round in various higher institutions abroad. Schools are willing to encourage students to pursue their academic goals and they have created a platform to reward students based on their performance in the TOEFL test. The scholarship value varies, depending on the score a student achieves, but normally it ranges from $1,000 - $10,000.
There are quite a number of universities and colleges in the United States of America that offer prospective international students some level of waiver on their tuition fees depending on the TOEFL test score they submit. International students are encouraged to take advantage of this wonderful opportunity as it can make a big difference in their academic pursuits. Scoring high in your TOEFL test is not enough, using your score judiciously and profitably is what really counts. Best of luck!!!
For more information visit www.mackivconsult.com