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Topic: I repeat, the real truth about studying abroad

  1. #1
    Newbie ericson's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2007

    I repeat, the real truth about studying abroad

    Its is a good thing to pursue education career abroad but the truth has to be said though it might be bitter.I currently studies in the Netherlands and the way those agent paints it to you is very alarming.In some certain part of Europe, you can study and work along side while in some parts its not possible.For instance,Ukraine is neither EU or Shengen country and student are not permitted to work at all.I repeat, students are not permitted to work. The disadvantage there is that, before you can leave there for any other country in Europe, you will need visa.Secondly, if you are coming to study in any of shengen country that is EU like Norway, Finland, Netherlands, Germany etc students are permitted to work but the issue of Language comes to play here and with your visa, you can visit all the shengen country and easily get a visa to other EU countries.
    Furthermore,in case you need to come over here for your academics, go to the school sites and read everything they need dont pay a huge amount of money to any agent.I came here by myself, i did everything online by myself.Our problem is that we want everything to be done for us on a platter of Gold that is why those agent normally turn us to their prey.
    Anybody that is interested in any school here in Europe, should go to their website read all what they needed and apply freely and if you were told that they have agent in Nigeria, go there and verify and if the agent is charging abnormal fees, let the school know.
    If you need any advice on this issue, my email is [email protected] and i will be happy to assist.
    Thank you

  2. #2
    Newbie ericson's Avatar
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    Mar 2007

    Re: I repeat, the real truth about studying abroad

    In order to respond to the mails I got till today because all the emails are asking me thesame thing. I would like to clarify everything so that you will know where and how to get there and where not to go. It is a common knowledge that Europe is divided into Schengen and EU. Some countries mostly are members of both while some are not. The advantage here is that if you are studying in one Schengen country, you can travel to countries within Schengen. But for example, England is among EU but not Schengen, so you can’t travel there unless you apply for their visa. For more clarifications, these are the countries of both;

    Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland

    Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, CzechRepublic, Estonia, Finland ,France, Germany,Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands,Poland ,Portugal , Romania ,Slovakia ,Slovenia ,Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom

    About the aspect of schooling, i will be frank with you , if you really want to come and study in Europe , i would advise anybody to firstly decides which country. You cant just wake up and say you want to come to europe like that because we have some countries here that Nigeria is better off economically.So, please read all information about the country and the opportunities that lies therein. For me , I chose west europe because its more advanced economically but the fact about the language have a role to play in getting a job but you can get a jobs in Germany(20hours week) and Finland etc but that doesnt mean that other country like Netherlands is bad but if you are a student that is interested in trade, that kind of student should think of Germany, Netherlands, Belgium.
    As i have said earlier, try and get hold on the information about the country and then browse through the schools and follow their instructions. I am not an AGENT but student here in the Netherlands. You can browse through University, College, and Career Guides - BrainTrack for inofrmation about all schools.PLEASE DO IT YOURSELF, I DID IT AND IT WORKS FOR ME.
    Ukraine is neither EU nor SHENGEN and students are not permitted to work.Besides, you are not allowed to pay tuition fees installmentally unlike other original european countries though the place is good for academic stuffs.

  3. #3
    Newbie ericson's Avatar
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    Mar 2007

    Re: I repeat, the real truth about studying abroad

    Now we are in summer break and most of the school here are admitting students now so if anybody is interested in schooling here especially in west Europe, i will assist the person provided he has seen the school he or she likes and the person has the requirement.I can take it up FOR FREE.
    I mean i am doing it for free because am not an agent and money is not everything.Anybody that is interested should mail me the site of the school and i will try and browse it and tell the person or better still call the school with my internet here.
    Please, am doing this for free now and forever.In God i trust.([email protected])

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