"Online shopping", shopping has been accepted by more and more people gradually popular in the 20th century. Whether it is the wealthy millionaire, stylish office ladies or the ordinary working-class, most people may have had the experience of online shopping. Which some may just want to have this experience of feeling, some may flag this as a "knowledge people", while others may have online shopping as an important part of their daily lives instead of the traditional Street shopping.

What is the reason for online shopping?

In simple terms, online shopping is the traditional shops directly "moving" home using the internet directly purchase the goods they need or enjoy the services they need. Professional speaking, it is the parties to the transaction to be completed through the Internet, web shopping interface technology of the B to C mode a new way to shop from the whole process of negotiations, signing as well as loan payment, delivery notification, electronic Business an important part. Therefore, some people see this as a large system for the country and the world of virtual shopping malls. But in my opinion, the e-mall is not virtual, because every step of the shopping and even every detail is very true, the only difference with the traditional mode of shopping only in the less-verbal communication, but with more filling orders and confirmation process . General business of online articles can be broadly divided into two forms: one is electronic shops, online shopping or online services business, selling goods or providing services directly through their own website, Internet users; another kinds of electronic shopping malls, it is by many different commodities or services business focused on a site, users can be on the same site to purchase goods or services provided by different companies. That is, in the former case, the website operator while store operators, then the role played by the website operators in the case is more like store operators and consumers intermediary.

Online shopping in today's developed capitalist countries have shown a strong momentum of development, it can be said that a new force in promoting the country's economic growth. For example, GFK A recent survey of online shoppers in Germany pointed out, the German online shopping sales reached 5.3 billion euros in the first half of 2004. GFK expects the full year of 2004, the German online shopping sales as much as 11 billion euros. In contrast, online shopping in China is still a new thing. Sense, SARS has opened up a new era of Chinese online shopping. The face of the SARS attack, the majority of people were trapped in the house, and in order not to go out to buy the things they need to rely on the network, many people with a strong awareness of prevention and also try online shopping. At this point, there are more and more people have realized that online ordering, home delivery convenience, there are more and more people are beginning to accept online shopping. CNNIC hotspots investigation report "publish" the China Internet Network Display: 17.9% of Internet users in China have been online shopping experience, within six months, 29.6% Internet users visited shopping sites respondents within six months online shopping experience online shopping experience more than 90% of people in the future will continue to conduct online shopping; 63.7% of the Internet users will try online shopping without a shopping experience. These data show that China's online shopping market has huge potential.
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