To begin with, i wish to express my sincere gratitude for your contributions on the topic "Who is a Broker or an Agent".Actually I did a thorough research before posing the question to the house but what I did not ascertain was whether house members have recognized the abundant opportunities which the sector of our economy offer to Nigerians especially graduates who still perambulate the streets looking for elusive white-collar jobs.

Let me give you a little privileged information respecting brokers or agents and their (supposed) responsibilities.World over, companies are resorting to external experts ( knowledgeable people, including Nigerian graduates) to do non-basic corporate activities on their behalf.This is called Outsourcing.In some areas they are called consultancy.If one is a consultant, he is simply an agent or broker with specialty which is sought by intending individuals or corporate bodies.In Nigeria, people who are well placed could still be seen looking for jobs that are non-existent instead of exploring this emergent field of business.Brokering is highly unexplored in Nigeria.I once read an article that said that Nigeria adopted a British-patterned university education which aims to produce job seekers as contrasted with American style of education that aims to produce self-reliant graduates.Although this might seem ridiculous to many but a critical look at the stances and performances of our kiths and Kins who have either American or British education would attest to this point.What am I trying to say?We have to key into this opportunity presented by economic reforms of the past federal government administration - - - Outsourcing (to agents and brokers or consultants).Apart from the minor troubles of economic meltdown, capitalism has come to stay.Experts believe it will last at least another 100 years before any major shake up would be witnessed.Whether we are business owners or workers, the bottomline is that we do what we do to make money.I trust that some of us here could do better being agents or brokers than actually waiting for peanuts that would be paid us as remunerations for our services.

In a bid not to waste your invaluable time, I would like to introduce house members to this sector of Nigerian economy.I had a complete about-turn in my thinking after attending a Customs Training in Ikeja.The training was for Customs brokers a.k.a Clearing Agents, on 48-hrs clearance of cargoes.I discovered to my greatest surprise that several business opportunities lie therein but one must be an agent of customs to take advantage of them.They needed agents who are computer-literate,numerate and reliable to replace existing ones and to enable federal government minimize loss of revenues accruing from import duties.One of our lectures/resource persons lamented the low rate of awareness on the part of graduates who need the opportunities most.Still in furtherance of satiation for my curiosity, I approached a couple of companies for franchise.Guess what I found out! The renowned Bible quotation came to fruition....Seek and You Shall Find....Knock and the Door Shall Be Opened Unto You.Are Nigerian graduates seeking?Are they knocking also?Much as the questions are rhetorical,we know the answers too well.In the light of the foregoing, I urge house members to look inwards and find out how we can take advantage of these opportunities.There is no gainsaying the fact that we need certain corporate and personal elements or flavors in business.They include but are not limited to business name registration, capital,labor,integrity,sincerity,hardwork and consistency.Please do not be scared by all these.One could start with referrals.For instance you may wish to start making referrals to customs agency or brokers for a fee or commission if you have uncles,aunts,parents,friends and well-wishers who engage in importation.You may also wish to liaise with cybercafe owners to process customs documents for importers and agents from any location in Nigeria.The list is endless and only a detailed look would make things clearer.

On a final note,I would be glad to partner with people who are willing to engage in any of these businesses.I intend to write a manual that would compile types of agencies,their requirements and potentials which lie therein.Please all enquiries should be forwarded to;
+2348098920833 (text only)and [email protected]

NB: We have no limits except the limits we impose on ourselves.

Thanks and GOB bless