I am worried about the future of this country. We have had many wonderful visions most recently Vision 2010 now we have Vision 2020. Nigeria to be among the 20 most developed country in the world by 2020.
Is this attainable in face of the myriad of problems facing the nation esp unemployment? What do you think is the effect of unemployment on this laudable paper theory vis-à-vis the colourless reign of Yar' Adua?
We, the Naijas as nation and individual, are poor because we choose to be. We are who we are, and where we are, as a result of our actions and inactions. The choices and the plans of our past and present leader are just to commend respect on the policy maker and also amass tax payer money into their cover thereby dwindling structural and economic development. Sorry, I may be sounding a critic, but to be sincere all these policies and policy makers are crooks. They are just deceiving us, the populace. All the good old days’ company that has capacities of developing our economy and capacities of employing millions of skilled labour available in this country are no more. All, a courtesy of these same leaders (so to say).
But the vision, although having a slight chance of materializing, is achievable. If we choose to make it so collectively, If we see it as ours not theirs, and if we can see ourselves as Nigerians of then (I mean 2020's time) not today's Naijas. Though there is unemployment in the land and hunger is every where, yet we can let this lack prompt in us our ingenuity, our innate ability, and use them to better ourselves.
The unemployment ought to make us see the need of coming together in twos and threes and harness the opportunities that abound in our environment. If the policy maker choose not to see us, the unemployed willing to work, then let’s see ourselves, synergize and start something. I believe that we have the needed potentials to make VISIO 2020 a reality, even if they, [the Nigerian government], choose not to recognize the negative and positive impart of unemployment on actualizing their, but OUR dream.
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