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Topic: Is it true that been a Boss on your own is the Best in the Jorney of success?

  1. #1
    Junior Member De Don's Avatar
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    Is it true that been a Boss on your own is the Best in the Jorney of success?

    Pls send me your answer and contributions.

  2. #2
    Senior Member otuonye's Avatar
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    Re: Is it true that been a Boss on your own is the Best in the Jorney of success?


    I do not think so! I believe that some people are made to be leaders while others are made to follow.

    In these days where the gospel of self-reliance and actualisation of dreams is preached with so much zest, the preachers decline to inform the listeners that not everyone must be a COMPANY OWNER.

    I have seen some of my friends invest huge sums of cash into a business they know [virtually] everything about, yet they do not get the gains they expect; while others just put in a little money and add some efforts, yet they succeed.

    My POINT: We do not all have to be business owners. However, even if we are, it may not be an immediate assumption of that position. Sometimes, we need to be employed in other companies so that we understand some intricate details about the trade before delving into it.

    Joshua Otuonye C.<br />08037971139<br />Proudly Nigerian

  3. #3
    Junior Member charlie's Avatar
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    Re: Is it true that been a Boss on your own is the Best in the Jorney of success?

    Well Don in my opinion i think being your own boss in relation to having your business or outfit in whatever name you may wish to call it is a welcome initiative especially in this part of the country and even elsewhere because at this point you call the shots, you become an employer of labor, you become aware of so many thing which you never took into cognisance or even considered like what pple really want to find in a product or service to how you render this service or sell the product so really being your own boss could quite rewarding but to say its the best journey to success thats way out of the this context cos again you have look look at success and then look at being your own boss, you could be a boss and may not succeed in what you venture to do for one reason or the other you understand and let may say this here. Destiny has got a whole lot to do in al of this as well as having a purpose, being persistent, honest hardworking and sincere its a big thing you are looking at Don. lets just say being your own Boss could very well be a means to the end SUCCESS. We shall Succeed. inwhatever we set out to do Amen.

  4. #4
    Newbie Diallo's Avatar
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    Re: Is it true that been a Boss on your own is the Best in the Jorney of success?

    It is, if you learn to be diligent about it.If you are the boss of yourself and you make continuous improvement,financial prudence,humility,ability to get on well with staff and customers,proper time and work management your watchword,you certainly gonna make it with Gods help.
    Born To Reign

  5. #5
    Junior Member De Don's Avatar
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    Re: Is it true that been a Boss on your own is the Best in the Jorney of success?

    I want to thank you all 4 your contribution and advice
    May God fill you back with wisdom in Jesus Name

  6. #6
    Junior Member Benita's Avatar
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    Re: Is it true that been a Boss on your own is the Best in the Jorney of success?

    Yes i believe it is the best jorney to succes but on the ground that u&#39;ve served others and why u were serving u were dilligent enough in ur duties.

    the simple truth here is that, the way u handled another man&#39;s is the way u will handle urs. there are no two ways about it.

    Ur attitude towards that man&#39;s business matters in ur own way to the journey of success as ur own boss e.g If u were used to sleeping or i dont care attitude u will definitely take it along with u.

    Wish u the best in all ur endeavour!!!
    We become what we think about! What the mind can conceive &amp; believe, d mind mind can achieve; Whether you think you can - or think u cant, you are right.

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