Hey, Friend

Akinwande Abdulwasiu here...

I hope everything is doing great for you and your family.

I know today is Tuesday and I sure hope you enjoy your weekend.

Can you believe it we are already in September? Seems like yesterday was just January only 3 months left before the end of 2012.

I know that you are busy, and so am I. So I'm going to get right to the point.

Need Your Advice Please...

Early this year a lot of people write a New Year resolution but Only 3% succeed!

I too set a goal to make my first $3,600 online in 2012, you know what am part of the 97% who didn't succeed.

The most embarrassing aspect of it is that i have the tools,resources and knowledge even with my 5 years experience online for me to achieve this goal but still yet am part of the 97% who didn't succeed.

You know what i did after i realize that am am part of the 97% who didn't succeed.

The question I ask myself is this:

Am i making the amount of income that i desire from the internet?
If not, then what exactly is holding me back?

my answer to that is, i know that its possible because have read about success stories all the time.
I can even make a bet with myself that i have bought several marketing products that 'should' give me a blueprint to succeed online.

So what exactly is my problem?

I am pretty sure if not all one of the following conditions:

** I don't know exactly what to do or where to start

** I have soo much information and don't know how to use it.
(information overload?)

** Am easily distracted so as soon as i start something
serious, a flashy object comes my way and distract me

** I spend hours around the pc but I never get anything done

** I wish to have someone to show me step by step what to
do to succeed online.
** I browse forums, hang out on social media sites and waste
countless hours doing nothing productive..

I Want to know the secret?

You know what right now. As a matter of fact, I suffered from ALL of the above conditions -
not just one or two.

So how to bring change in my life?

What did I need to do differently to start seeing success in my online

The first thing I did is I made a promise to myself that I will change.
I got myself a notebook and wrote down some specific and doable goals that I wanted to achieve in a set time frame.

I Then decided that I would ONLY do stuff that would contribute to my goal. But that was not all, I have to follow a PROVEN system that would help me to achieve my goal without me getting lost.

So the next thing I need to do is to associate myself with like minded people who wanted to taste success as well as people who were already successful who were willing to lend a helping hand for me.

It's really hard to make it on your own and that's a fact.

kindly need your advice please...

“Suppose you have a goal to market a product and earn your first

$600,$1000 even $3600 in just 3 months working 4 hours

per day using the internet”.

“Suppose its more than a goal, suppose your life is on the line,

if you succeed, you get to live, if you fail, you face firing squad”.

How would you do it? In other words, what if your life depended upon your success?

Would you prepare differently? Most people try things.

As yoda taught luke sky walker, there is no try . there is either do or do not.

That is the reason i need your advice please...

I assume that it must work. I plan for zero failure.

It either work or i die. Off course, i don't really expect to die ...

but i put that kind of intensity in the design. I don't expect to die or fail.

I expect to win.

When Spanish explorer hernan Cortes conquered mexico in 1519,

he faced overwhelming odds... tens of thousands of Aztec warriors against

his 400 soldiers. When his troops began mutiny, cortex ordered all but

one of his 11 ships to be scuttled to sunk so there was no avenue of escape.

Then he rallied his troops with a stirring speech . conquer or die.

Those were the options.

So this is my my goal right now to make my first $600,$1000, even $3,600 online by 15th of December 2012 for me to be part of 3% of people that will succeed this year.

Need Your Advice Please...

So I know this has been a long message but I want you to honestly give me right advice for success starting today.

Thanks for reading and don't forget to reply for your advice pls,

Thanks for reading today's message.
Enjoy the rest of your day.

Best regards,

Akinwande Abdulwasiu