We need to be focused in whatever we want to do in life and also develop passion towards it, the problem with our generation now is that values have been lost, we believe the only way to success is only when you have money or you are highly connected, that’s why so many people lost the dignities in life believing that it does not count at all. Nothing is going to be changed in our life unless we decide to make the change, therefore if you want to win you must decide pay a price of hard work.
HENRY FORD says “you are capable of doing more than what you think you can if you only believe”. People always stay in there comfort zone just because they are lazy, who told you that’s the limit to your success? Give your self some inconvenience in life cos adversity is only a refining fire that burns the south purity alive. The kettle water only sings the highest song when it’s at the peak hot, so if you are not willing to do things that make you face obstacle in life you cannot make success in life. Something that are obstacle in our life now are part of the things that will make us overcome and reach our success, if you do there is always excitement of wining within you that inspires you to do something greater.
A student who cannot wake up earlier or sleep late to read cannot aspire to make a good grade, that’s the drive I’m saying our young generation should learn from and stop waiting for miracle because God is not a magician. We must teach people to follow the principle of God’s word, love God, work hard and believe in yourself, for there is no goal you set for yourself that cannot be achieved only if you believe.
The magic is the passion you have expressed on it which fuels the will, when we are passionate about things we do, we will find power to do it. Again when you believe you can or cannot, you are right because when you say you cant it mean negativity and unwillingness to it but if you say you can that is positivity willingness to do it and your passion will make it happen. Looking at the speech of American president Barrack Obama “WE CAN” with his passion and hard work it happened.
1. PRAISE-praise God for the past year and the opportunity to see the New Year, praise him for the things that went well and the ones that did not go too well. Make it a habit to praise him for everything that happened around you.
2. PRAY- pray about this New Year, ask God to give you insight into what to do. Pray and get empowered. Let no day go in this New Year without talking to God.
3. PLAN- makes achievable plans for the year. Planning gives you a concrete guideline to work with; it helps you to define your success for the year.
4. PREPARE- make necessary preparations for all you want to achieve this new year, if you fail to prepare it means you are prepared to fail.
5. PRACTISE- practice makes perfect. Gain sufficient experience in whatever you want to do. Practice new skills you acquire and do what you learn.
6. PERSIST- persist in your plans and goals. Don’t give up so soon.
7. REFLECT- reflect on the past year, on its events, successes and failures. Reflecting always helps you to gain better understanding and realize ways you can improve.
8. RESTORE- make an effort to restore relationships that has gone sore especially if it’s your spouse or your family. Strained relationships have a way of draining us emotionally, spiritually and physically.
9. REARRANGE- try to reconsider your priorities and rearrange them if you notice any lapses along the line.
10. ASPIRE- think big, don’t settle for less this year.
11. ACHIEVE- don’t just aspire, take necessary steps to achieve your aspirations and put in your best shot.
12. ADVICE- seeks and gives advice when necessary in what ever you do.
13. INVEST- invest your resources, your time and your energy in productive resources. Let nothing go to waste and try to maximize everything.
14. INSPIRE- be an inspiration to somebody, be extraordinary.
15. INGEST- feed your self, soul and spirit well. Do not ingest trash and junks; ingest stuffs that will help you to maximize the potentials of your body and spirit.
16. INNOVATE- be creative, think creatively on ways to do things better because that might help others.
17. SAVE- save souls for Christ. Save the underprivileged around you, save someone from pain and trouble with some part of what you have.
18. SERVE-serve God and people with your resources, talents, time, and energy. Remember that leaders are servants; you truly lead when you are serving so always meet needs and involve yourself in the service of God no matter how tight your schedules are.
19. STRETCH- stretch yourself, your ability, and go extra mile to acquire the knowledge you need to excel.
20. STUDY- study God’s word like never before, it contains insight that will give you an edge in life. Make it a point of duty to read it at least one chapter everyday. Study God’s books, good films, good music, in order to improve.
21. SEEK- seek for solution to problems and situations and improve in all that you do. Seek ways to help and contribute positively to life.
22. ENCOURAGE- as you strive to be the best of you this year, encourage others and never bring others down rather encourage them to reach there destiny.
23. ENJOY- decide to enjoy God and all that he gives you. Life, family and work no matter how hard it looks.
24. ENTHUSIASM- be enthusiastic about every thing that you do and give your best always.
25. ENDURE- be patient with yourself, you might fall short at times but keep on keeping on and be tolerant to people.
Finally my people I trust God that he knows our heart desire and also our weaknesses. If we play our parts well and leave the rest to him, he is about transferring wealth of this world to his people. JUST STAY ON THE RIGHT TRACK. HAPPY NEW YEAR

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