Do people care any more? In truth, I am at a loss what to believe. I realize that in the sojourn through life, we may sooner forget how much we are blessed until we are confronted with the limitations in other people's live; the physical dismemberment with which they lead every agonizing day. Life must still go on nevertheless. Living may prove a struggle for some and for many yet it is a challenge. Those challenged to live are those who are unable to help themselves by sheer insufficiency of their form and functions; they turn to others in hope and believe in God.<br><br>Godpower is one such Challenge To Live. Confined to a wheelchair, he is an accident of birth. He is bound to pursue life as he sees it, overwhelmingly disadvantaged to the basics. His mother is grieved. He has no father. He knows only despair.<br><br>Do Godpower some good; teach him that people can still care. As God will freely grant life, Godpower has a chance to lead a normal life. What he needs is special attention at this stage, which demands huge financial outlay and which is out of his reach. In the spirit of Christmas, I would urge all of you, whom God has blessed immensely, to open up your hearts to love. Donations are solicited to help Godpower poor and agonizing family to brace up with the Challenge To Live which Godpower represents. If you are touched in the spirit to donate to this noble course, please indicate by email to: [email protected].<br><br>Let all those who realy care stand up and be counted. No amount is too small. Positive comments will be most appreciated. God in His Infinite Mercy will meet each one of us at every point of our own dare needs. Amen!<br><br>Photographs and more details are included in the attachment. You need to log in to view the attachment. To do good is a noble quality; very few truly have it. Have you? Ask yourself, have you lost the noble capacity to care?

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