It is very easy to drop in your CV at big companies and sit at home waiting for an interview call that may never come. What you must not forget during your job search ids that your CV however great it may be has all the opportunities of getting lost in a heap of other CVs. Companies do not have the time to go over the hundreds of CVs that they come across and so it is extremely important to do networking in a job search.Job search networking will help you establish that special contact with your target employers and will open up many new job opportunities for you that you would otherwise have not known about! There are in fact a host of networking ideas that are sure to help you in your job search.Networking is all about making full use of your contacts whether professional or personal to help you in getting better job opportunities or to make new contacts that will help your search by bringing you more interview calls. Networking ideas if used in an innovative
Why Networking is Important in a Job Search