JOB TITLE: Trainee Research Engineer
Apply for consideration into the vacancies for TRAINEE RESEARCH ENGINEER in our organization if you meet the following minimum requirements:

Skills and Requirements

a. HND/BSc Engineering/Sciences
b. Minimum Second Class Upper Honours degree
c. 1+ Years field experience
d. Strong Interpersonal and Relational skills
e. Must have completed NYSC Program
f. Not older than 25 Years old by January 1, 2016.
g. Excellent command of English language

Method of Application
Apply with your detailed Resume to [email protected] within 1 week from the date of this advert (April 18, 2016). Your application should include a cover letter, providing a summary of your experience and outlining your convictions regarding your suitability for the job. If there is only one position available, why do you qualify to be selected?

Application Email Subject line should read:
Trainee R. Engineer/Name/Age/Location of Residence/Degree & Discipline/Class of Degree

Example1: Trainee R. Engineer/John Peter/23/Enugu/Bsc Mechanical Engineering/2.1
Example2: Trainee R. Engineer/John Peter/25/Ibadan/HND Chemical Engineering/Upper Credit

Application Deadline:
April 25, 2016