Why having a positive attitude is so important in life? Is it really necessary to have a positive attitude? Should go through all the trouble to learn how to have a positive attitude? These are the kind of questions that some people might ask.

Recent studies have shown that education contributes only a mere 15% in getting a new job or promotion while the remaining 85% is because of attitude! This really shows in order to achieve success in life; the importance of having a positive is unchallenged.

There will always be 2 thoughts that will be fighting in our mind. One will be the positive thinking and the other will be the negative thinking. Each and every moment of our life is determined by this difference between the stepping stone and the stumbling block. Positive attitude is the key to success while Negative attitude is the key to failure.

Recent studies done by the University of Texas has shown that people with an upbeat view of life were less likely than pessimists to show signs of frailty. Plus, research has found that a positive attitude may delay the ageing process!

In the study, the Texas team carried out tests on 1,558 older people from the Mexican American community to examine whether there was a link between positive emotions and the onset of frailty. At the start of the seven year study all the volunteers were in relatively robust good health. The researchers assessed the development of frailty during the study by measuring the participants' weight loss, exhaustion, walking speed and grip strength. They found that those people who had a positive attitude towards life were significantly less likely to become frail.

So it has been proven that not only having a positive attitude can improve our mental health, it can also improve our physical health. It is so important to have a positive attitude as it can really improve our life. So start to have positive attitude today.