Recession is a time when most of the companies are laying off there employees to maintain the profits or infact trying not to go into losses. Then in a time like this how can one find a job when world economy is deep down in recession. Here are some tips to find out a job in recession. Reeving up Public relations, Social Networking and Freelancing, Learning new skills related to your trade and brushing up interview skills can land you a job in Torrid times of Recession.

If you are looking for Job during troubled times, here are some tips which can get you a job.
1. Look for growth Industry.
Research the Sector which is still in growth, as growing sector is in need of skill full employees. you have more chance of getting a job.
2. Enhance your skill set.
By enhancing your skill set, you are giving your employer more value for money which he is paying for you. Learn something new which is related to your field, adding something new to your skill set will give more value to you resume and an added advantage to you in the competition. Any company will like employees having multiple skill set as they can use the employee for different in place of hiring another guy for the job. As multi skilled employees are the most important resource for an organization they will definitely look forward to retain a multi skilled employee in the Enterprise /company.
3. Try Freelance work or part-time job.
With your current job try doing part-time job or freelancing, think in term of multiple positions if in one of the job is gone you still have another job to fall back on. doing multiple jobs will give some value to your resume and some extra money to your wallet as well.
4.Refresh your social contacts.
In torrid time of recession you have more chance of getting a job if you have a good reference. for getting references start refreshing your old social contacts or try using contact in social networking sites like Orkut and Facebook. you can also join profession Networking sites such as LinkedIn.
5. Practice Interview.
Practice your answers to interview questions. Just stand in front of mirror and ask yourself questions like why you are jobless. How your previous organization was benefited. How can you be the value addition to the new organization etc.
6. Find your USP and Market it.
How you choose to sell yourself makes a direct impact on how long will you take to find job. Do the SWOT analysis. Evaluate your Strength, Weakness, Opportunities and Threats of your previous Job interview and brush yourself up before appearing for next Interview Call.
7. Research
Searching a job is like selling yourself in market. so you should be prepared, before going to an interview research about the company, the post/designation for which you are applying, read between the lines of advertisement and access what the is looking in an employee for this job.