You could not stop the birds from flying over your head but you could prevent them from perching on your head. Nervousness before an interview is something common to majority of job applicant. Reasons behind this I may not want to discuss them here but I want you know one thin for sure. Your experience at normal or informal conversation with people does not give you the confidence over your nerves.
You need to do something, don’t you? Well as you would want to know, determination to do some things that will make you relaxed before facing interview panel is the key thing here. The determination to succeed matters most because it determines how fluent and accurate you answer interview questions. Especially knowing fully well that nervousness affects your confidence at job interviews.
The following are how to overcome nervousness before job interviews:
• Create image to ease yourself of the internal crisis
Imagine a peaceful serenity picture in your mind. This soothes your heart and soul and puts your mind in a stable state. It creates a serene atmosphere for you to relax physically. Start experimenting with this method today and you will get a good result.
• Breath in and out
You read me right? Breathe in and out, and then give yourself a smile of breakthrough. Always do this from time to time.
• Remember past sweet experience
By remembering past sweet experience, an event makes you happy. It’s a source of inspiration. Write down of possible and meditate on it as fast as possible recall those sweet pasts. Inspiration truly comes from sweet memories.
• Have self esteem
This has to do with your self worth. Always remember at the point of the interview that nobody could handle the job better that you and therefore, you are the best candidate for that job position. Tell yourself that you could answer all questions and carry out your job responsibilities. This is all about being optimistic and building courage and hope.
Carrying out all this nervous easing activities before job interview would definitely lift some emotional burdens off you. As with us human beings, nervousness is natural and most at time we feel shivering when we have a daunting task ahead of us. But I know you will not want to miss that your dream job. Get yourself equipped now to face the next job interview panel.
These three activities before the interview would definitely ease your emotional burden. You are but human and it is natural to feel those rushing shivers within but hey! This is a once in a lifetime chance and you could not afford to miss, could you?