Good day,

We bring you greetings from GLOBAL ACE SMS.

We have done business with a lot of organisations who still work with us till date as a result of our sound delivery and positive responses. We are at this moment bringing our bulk sms services to you at a more effective and affordable rate.

Because every person has a mobile phone, the bulk sms system has been an effective medium through which information can be sent out via text to a large number of people / clients allowing you to catch them at the spot

Over 90% of mobile sms marketing are read generating an average response of over 30% from your target audience. It reaches them on the go allowing them to know or buy your new and existing products. It keeps your customers loyal and creates/builds relationships. These channels have been used by the likes of coca-cola, silver-bird network and for most presidential campaigns

As the most perfect customer relationship tool, it is effective and could be used in churches (to get members informed about programs), schools (to keep parents and teachers abreast of school information and meetings), social organisation (to keep customers updated about new products or cross-selling activities), events companies (to sell artistic event coverage and designs to known and unknown public) and a whole lot more. It is a lot cheaper by over 50% than normal sms, returns are a lot higher compared to other media types, they are convenient, depending on the organisation, communication could be a problem but with our bulk sms system, They can be used to keep employees informed about meetings, conferences etc, messages are delivered instantly. These and lots more.

We can provide this to you at 1naira per sms unit. Prices are negotiable at purchases of 100,000 units and above. All u need do is go to, register and log in then make your order and you will be credited in less than 30 minutes. A trial will definitely convince you.

Should you want to get phones numbers around your locality, community, local government, state, a particular geographic region or the whole mobile number data base, we can provide it for you at a very affordable price.

You can contact us at our mobile messaging website; or call 08035120642, 08099199458. You can also email us at [email protected] or [email protected] for more details

We also provide solutions for business publicity, we can help you advertise your business online and get your prospective clients calling you all day.

Grab this chance and expand a world of possibilities as we bring a new you