EFFECTIVE HR PERSONNEL 1. Know where your time goes. Work systematically at managing the little of your time that can be brought under your control. 2. Focus on results oriented outward contribution. double your effort towards results rather than work. Always start your day with the question, "What results are expected of me?" rather than work to be done, tools, and techniques. 3. Build on strengths — your own and that of superiors, colleagues, and subordinates. Build on the strength of the job situation. Do not start out with negative attitude 4. Concentrate on the few major areas where superior performance will produce outstanding results. Set priorities and stay with your priority decisions. Do first things first — second things not at all. The alternative is to get nothing done. 5. Make effective decisions. Take the right steps in the right sequence. An effective decision is always a judgement based on dissenting opinions rather than on consensus on the facts. To make many decisions without focus on a set goals means to make the wrong decision. What is needed are few, but fundamental decisions. What is needed is the right strategy rather than razzle-dazzle tactics. Keys for effective Customer service1. What information do I need to do my job effectively?2. When do I need it?3. From what source should I be getting it from?4. What new tasks can I tackle now that I have gotten all the needed information?5. Should I do first thing first?6.. What is the importance of extra mile on the job?7. Should I double my effort?8. What tasks should I do extra-ordinarily?9. What information do I owe to other? To whom? When? In what form? It is therefore very important for all service providers to be well informed as a good and up to date information about your products and services makes you an effective service providerWithout information, there would be no result, Get informed get results Thank you, Excerpted and Adapted from Peter Drucker and Fred Smith