As a prospective student, you need to understand the importance of writing great essays to grab your audience’s attention. Learning how to write well will move you forward in college, from acing your English exam to earning a scholarship to pay for your books. The scholarship process may seem tedious and unbearable sometimes. However, you possess a remarkable talent that needs to be told to others. How you describe that special quality of yours is the key to winning scholarships.
The essay is arguably one of the most important parts of the scholarship process. Your essay will set you apart from other applicants. Therefore, you must do your very best to make clear, concise points to surpass the competition. Here are five tips to writing an excellent scholarship essay:
1. Follow directions.
Carefully read all the scholarship directions. Make sure you understand them completely. If anything seems confusing, email or call the scholarship provider for clarification. If the directions ask for a 400-word or less essay, be sure to give them what they want. Scholarship applicants are eliminated quickly from the process for not following directions. So, follow directions!
2. Brainstorm.

Don’t dive in head first. Generate ideas before you tackle the essay. Create an outline of what you would like your essay to discuss. Remember, any and every idea can spark creativity. This is your time to build a strategy of how you will WOW the scholarship judges. Plan, plan, and plan! Read on: