Hi friends,
My name is Stephen. I do understand that quite a lot of people have a battered misconception about football betting, which I personally call football trading. Those that do football betting are the one that go about theirs by guess work or by assumption, thereby taking a chance, either to win or to lose. But in my own case, my method is based on some strategic guaranteed trick to win almost all the time (98%). It is quite pathetic to find out that so many Nigerians are wallowing in the pool of poverty and want, when there are ample opportunities online, through which they can make a misfortune, and thus rise above the level of the average man. Let me not bore you with all of the pre-amble jargons, and go straight to the point.

I have been into football trading for about six month now, and whatever I tell you, is an assured fact, which you can’t afford to doubt, because if you do, it will not have any impact on me, because I am already making my own fortune with it. Why I want to share this with you is because of the saying which goes thus, “The sky is too large for two birds to collide”. So, what that means is that there is enough wealth that will go round for all of us if I should share this with you. It will not reduce my earnings from it whatsoever.

In my special football guide, that contains the details of my football trading tricks and strategies, take it or leave it, you are guaranteed to make a 98 PERCENT WINS on all the trade you make, if you follow my instructions strictly. Like I said, I will not go the extra mile to persuade you to believe me. My basic mission to is to share this with you, and thus give you the opportunity to join me, as we flush poverty out of this country. Why it is even more interesting is that you don't need to know anything about football. Even a lady can thrive very well in this business. All you need is just the trick and strategy to hit your gold mine. When I joined this business about six month ago, I only know of some few popular football clubs, like the Man U, Arsenal, Chelsea, Real Madrid and Barcelona. But the knowledge of a football enthusiast is not necessary for this business, is all about thinking and working smart.

I can understand if you have tried so many online jobs, and still, you kept hitting the rock. I too have been in that shoe, after graduating as an Engineer, and yet, could not show anything for it, considering the nature of the labour market. But now, thanks be to God, that now, whichever day I choose to trade football, if I don’t make any profit, at least, I will make N2000. the maximum I have been able to make so far was N12,500. Though, that was once, but I have been making close to that on some subsequent trades. I have a potential of making up to N30,000 per day with the help of my football trading trick, but I just prefer to take it low, because I am the somewhat pessimistic type. And the beauty of this football trading is that football takes place every blessed day.

Bottom line of this post is to initiate the first 50 people who want to take the chance of venturing into this business, and confirm the authenticity of the reality of this trade. I need this number, so that after they must have started making their money, I will use their testimonies as an evidence to the next batch of people I will be discussing this business with, whenever I deem it fit.

But one thing is basic, even if I have been making all the money from this business, I don’t dish out my strategies and trick for betting the football bookmakers for free. Otherwise, Nigerians will not appreciate it. The only way I can help the Nigerians looking for financial freedom is to dish out my invaluable information at an affordable token of just N2000. If you think this is another way of duping you of your hard earned money, then keep your N2000 to yourself, and keep struggling in your search for a profitable online business to do.

If you are interested, pay the sum of N2000 into my GTBank account with: ACCOUNT NAME: NMEREGINI U STEPHEN
ACCOUNT NUMBER: 0008363504.

When you have completed the payment, either through internet banking, or payment with ATM machine or even through direct deposit, then send a text to this phone number: 08029482689, with your email address, teller number (if it is through direct deposit), and your full name. Within the next one hour, after confirming your payment, you will get all the package sent into your mail box.

But if you have any other enquiries, you can contact me through my mail on: [email protected] I will give you a prompt reply and clarify you of your doubts. Thanks for you patience in going through this seeming lengthy mail.

I am always committed to your online success.