This messages is not for everybody, it is for only those who need permanent best income and want new different life style within two to three months time.

This messages is all about a very unique networking business program, not like other networking business which is very hard before you can be able to make money and collecting the rewards they promising you. No, this particular one is unique, you are making money from the beginning to the end.

It has only 5 stages, then you are making money plus rewards from stage 1 to stage 5.

Notice: You can join via our group if you are a lazy to get people, we will help you develop your leg and moving up because every member is growing together.


Rank 1 – Feeder

Rank 2 – Bronze – STAGE 1

Rank 3 – Gold – STAGE 2

Rank 4 – Diamond – STAGE 3

Rank 5 – Executive Diamond – STAGE 4

Rank 6 – Infinity – STAGE 5


At your feeder matrix you are required to refer persons with your referral link. Each referral you make earns you 20% of your investment $4 (N800). Upon 2 or 6 referrals from you, you make 40% or 120% of your investment respectively and you are rewarded with additional $10 (N2,000) when the matrix is completed. Then you move to the next rank.


As six (6) members in your link complete their feeder matrix, they follow you down to the bronze matrix. As each of them step out to join you, you receive a step out bonus of $10 (N2,000) instantly without waiting for the level to be filled. As each of them keep stepping out to join you, so you keep receiving $10 (N2,000) on each. You end up receiving a total of $140 (N28,000) as you complete this membership rank and you are also rewarded with a bonus of $100 (N20,000). In addition, you will be awarded with a 5” Android phone. Then, simultaneously on completing this rank you move on to our next membership rank.


As a gold member, your down link members are still following you. When any of them steps out from bronze to join you in the gold matrix, you will receive a $25 (N5,000) as step out bonus. You will end up receiving a total of $350 (N70,000) when you complete this matrix and you will be rewarded with a matrix bonus of $250 (N50,000). In addition, you will be rewarded with an Ipad or Tablet PC or laptop. Simultaneously upon completing this rank you are moved to the next rank.


Your step out bonuses continues to drop to your purse as your down link members joins you in diamond. You would have received a total of $420 (N84,000) by the time this rank is completed. And you are automatically moved to executive diamond stage. In addition to a total of $420 (N84,000) you will get a brand new Hyundai Car worth $20,000 (N4 million) as an award of excellence, a $2,500 (N500,000) matrix bonus and you will be rewarded with one week exotic holiday in Dubai.


At your executive diamond matrix, your step out bonus is $100 (N20,000) on each member that joins you. Upon completing this rank, you will simultaneously move to Infinity stage. In addition to the total of $1400 (N280,000) step out bonuses you must have received upon completing this rank, you will be rewarded with $3000 (N600,000) matrix bonus and you will be awarded with a Hyundai Jeep worth $25,000 (N5 million)


This is the highest rank attainable in our organization. Like its name indicates, it simply means that as an infinity member, you will keep earning a step out bonus of $5000 (N1 million) whenever your downlink members joins you at infinity.

You see, via my group, you can join, if you know you can not find people, that is why we are created our group to help each-other to get people to develop every member down-lines, because your success is very important, as you are growing up, other member are also growing up.

Then, if you also know you can get a lot of people from your side, you register them by putting them or place them to the places where you suppose to add them to balance every member leg that needs leg for you to be going forward.

Type "Meridians Life Support" on Google, you will see the official website, go there, do your research, then you will know that you have make it in this life if you happen to be a member.

Call 08165517133 to register now via our group and let us help you to develop your legs, as you are growing up, we are also growing up.

We grow up together and we all make it altogether.