"Easy Money Using Liberty Reserve"“Easy Money Using Liberty Reserve” Hello friends, You can really make Good Money in this Simple LR-Matrix System Just spend $5 and make thousands. It’s true; you can turn just $5 over to $2, 000 in about one month using Liberty Reserve. There are thousands of people out there, regular persons like you and me searching for a way to make money legally and easy on the Internet. Well, here is a way you can do that. Please give this article a chance because everything on it is true and it can help you get that kind of money you dreamt of. And you are only investing just $5. This is the email sent to me: Make $2, 000 with just $5 in 30 days with Liberty Reserve. I WAS SHOCKED WHEN I SAW HOW MUCH MONEY CAME FLOODING INTO MY LIBERTY RESERVE ACCOUNT. I turned in $3,000 within the first 30 days of operating the business that I’m about to reveal to you free of charge. If you decide to take action on the following instructions, I will GUARANTEE that you will enjoy a similar return! The only things you’ll need are: - An email address. - A liberty reserve account with at least $5 (it is free to sign up) - And just 15 – 30 minutes of your time (The more time you put into it, the more you’ll see in return). After all these, you have nothing to do and there’s no limit to the amount of income you can generate from this one single business program. Let’s get started. REQUIREMENTS: 1. A liberty reserve account (click here to open a free liberty reserve account: http:// www.libertyreserve.com and come back to continue). 2. $5 loaded account only. 3. And a PC with Internet connection (the cyber cafe behind you is enough). Now follow these steps: STEP 1 - Setting up your free liberty reserve account (if you already have an account, just skip this step to STEP 2, if not click here: http:// www.libertyreserve.com STEP 2 - Funding Your Liberty Reserve Account: You can fund your liberty reserve account locally in Nig through http:// www.naira4dollar.com/? ref=262327 . It is reliable and trustworthy. You can also go through liberty reserve listed exchangers. To easily do this, go to www.google.com and search for“liberty reserve exchanger in your country’s name” e.g. “liberty reserve exchanger in Canada”.etc STEP 3 -Sending Liberty Reserve Money: It is an undeniable law of the universe that we must first give in order to receive”. Now all you have to do is send $1.00 by way of liberty reserve to each of the liberty reserve account listed below. After setting up your free liberty reserve account, confirming or verifying it and putting $5 into your liberty reserve account use the account tab on liberty reserve to transfer $1 to each of the numbers on the list. Then remove the top one (#1) and place your liberty reserve account number in the #5 spot on the list of the numbers #1- #5. NOTE: Your liberty reserve account number becomes the #5. Make sure the subject (memo) of the payment says. “PLEASE PUT ME ON YOUR EMAIL LIST” (this keeps this program 100% legal. So don’t forget!) The following are the liberty reserve Accounts.. #1 U3644502 #2 U1200298 #3 U9344499 #4 U8563742 #5 U6777620 Note: My own personal liberty reserve account is also included in the list above, so you have to move the last number up to the 4th after depositing $1 each. Remember, all of this is ABSOLUTELY LEGAL! You are creating a service! A Business. STEP 4 - Adding your liberty reserve account number: After you send your five $1.00 payments, it’s your turn to add your liberty reserve account number to the list. Delete the #1 liberty reserve account number off the list you see above, move the other numbers up one after the other (#5 becomes #4, #4 becomes #3, #3 becomes #2, #2 becomes #1.etc). Then put your liberty reserve account number on the list which makes it #5. NOTE: Make sure the liberty reserve account number you supply is exactly as it appears in your liberty reserve account. STEP 5 - Go to Google search for 10 forums round the world post this message or send it to 200 email addresses and seat back at home to check your account the following day and see the amount of dollars that will pump your liberty reserve account. Do these every two days. All you need is 200 emails, but remember, the more you post the more money you make– as well as everyone else on the list. In this situation, your job is to let as many people see this letter as possible. So they will make you rich!!! To get forums, newsgroups, message boards, etc. Search Google for e.g. “millionaire message board or money making message board or opportunity message boarder money making discussions or business bulletin board or money making forum, etc. You will find thousands of message boards.You can also search Google for " free advertising forum posting without registration" All you have to do is visit these boards and start posting there. Note: You don't need typing this all over again. After the completion of your transaction , i.e firstly, paying $1 each into the five liberty reserve account, which makes $5 and secondly, have deleted the #1 liberty reserve account and placed your own as #5. You can then copy and into those forum and many other forum you can search for on Google. Remember, the more you post, the more people see it and the more money you earn. Don't seat there without taking action. Just $5 can change your life for good. With just $5 you can be financially free. If you follow the above instructions. It is real and legitimate. Assume you reached 200 people by email or through free advert posting site and only 20 people are ready to be financially free and responded to the business and the matrix continues to move with at least 20 people i.e . 20 People will pay you $20 each, This 20 people will bring at least another 20 giving you $400 i.e $20 x 20 . Meaning that you now have 400 people, who will also transfer $400 into your liberty reserve and their 400 people will also do the same giving you another $400 x 400 people , which gives $160, 000 and it continues in that matrix at the minimum. The beauty of it is that everybody in that matrix enjoys the same benefit as long as every person plays their part by posting the information in free advert forum sites or sending to as many as possible emails for more people to see the money making opportunity. I mean everybody playing their roles and following the instructions as stated above. You just copy all as above and keep pasting.