Zig Ziglar once said when asked about how to make his motivational messages stick, that staying motivated is like having a bath - the effects last only for a certain length of time, then you have to do it all over again!
Staying motivated isn't easy, but it's not difficult either. All it takes is a commitment from you to practice every day.

Use these motivational techniques to help you get to where you want to go.

Keep your vision in front of you
Your vision needs to be big enough to motivate you and exciting enough to stimulate you. If your vision is a flashy new car, find a picture and pin it to the wall in front of you as a constant reminder of what you're aiming for.
Having pictures in your head is not enough to keep you going every day, so inspire yourself with visual incentives.
Choose a motivational quote that inspires you, print it out and keep it with your visual goals. Better still, make a commitment to say your motivational quote out loud at least once every day. Verbalizing your source of inspiration makes it feel real and gives you momentum to move forward.

Work with passion
Getting and staying motivated stems from how you feel, not what you think. If your goals don't excite you and give you the stimulus necessary to achieve them, you've chosen the wrong goals.
Motivation requires positive energy, and positive energy stems from your belief that anything is possible. Allow the passion that fuels you to drive you towards your goals, but understand that not even super-performance racing cars can stay in top gear all the time without burning out the engine.
There will be times when you'll be in cruise mode and that's OK too. Don't allow yourself to become complacent or to let negative thoughts overtake you, and you'll find that the passion and momentum will return.

Feel good about yourself
• Learn to take control of your life by letting go of the baggage that impedes your progress. Discard past regrets, disappointments and failures by understanding that the road to your goals is going to be scattered with "life lessons".
• Surround yourself with people who make you feel good about yourself and who encourage your progress. In return, you'll find that your passion and positive outlook on life will inspire others. You owe it to yourself and your loved ones to be the very best person you can possibly be.
• Reinvent yourself as someone you genuinely like and watch your self-esteem soar. Your confidence will help propel you on towards your goals with genuine enthusiasm.

Read books that will help inspire you and teach you new ideas and skills. Read success stories from those who have made it, and self-help books that will encourage you to stay on track. Educate yourself to be an expert in your particular field and to be the best person you can possibly be.

Here are my 5 favorite self help books, which have inspired hundreds of millions of people to create brilliant lives:

1) How To Win Friends & Influence People
It's the most powerful and life-changing book on motivation you'll ever read. It is available for FREE @ my site.

2) The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People

How to turn success strategies into habits that increase your personal and business effectiveness.

3) Change Your Thinking Change Your Life
Brian TRacy
Anthony Robbins has proven through his books and seminars that you can do, have, achieve and create anything you want for your life by harnessing the power of your mind.

4) Think and Grow Rich
Napoleon Hill
(available for FREE At my site.) Although Napoleon Hill's book was first published over 40 years ago, his principle of think rich, act rich, grow rich and be rich is still relevant today.

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