What is Google AdSense?

Google AdSense is the Advertising unit of Google Inc. which is one of the best Cost per Click (CPC) program that allows publisher to run ads in the form of image, text and video to the website by placing short HTML codes.
The advertisement is controlled by Google and it shows as per researched keywords used in content. The service provided by Google is free and you earn more money when someone clicks on advertisement showing on your website.
Google Adsense is the easiest and effective ways to make money through blogging as it pays good money by clicking on ads. It is very difficult for Indian bloggers to get Google AdSense approval easily because many Indian bloggers do cheat with Google by doing invalid clicks on Google Adsense ads.
It is better to get Google Adsense Approval at beginning when you start your blog because initially you don’t get enough traffic and there is less chances to get invalid clicks on Google Adsense ads for sustained Google Adsense for your website or blog. Read on:http://nairaextra.com/how-to-make-mo...sense-program/