The key to ranking high in and recieving traffic from the search engines is to optimize your site for specific keyword phrases that are not too competetive but still recieve enough traffic to make it worth your time to try to rank high for. If you try to go after the most popular keywords you will find your site buried several pages in the search results and recieve little if any traffic as a result. Too many sites will be competing for the most popular keywords. Your time is better spent going after less popular phrases that may have been overlooked but still recieve a considerable amount of traffic. It is better to rank #1 or #2 for a specific keyword phrase such as “stock market investing tips” than to rank #100 for a more general keyword such as “stocks”. “Stocks” may be searched for a lot more often but if you are buried so far down in the search results you won’t get any traffic from it anyway. Below is a step by step guide to help you get traffic from the search engines. Read on;