Now there is a better way of doing this, that is getting Likes, which is by embedding the code into your website so that every visitor that comes to your website and makes their first click is converted into a like for you on your facebook fanpage.

As difficult as getting facebook likes for your fanpage, now you can get unlimited number of facebook likes from your website. Imagine having say 2,000likes for whatever stuff you are promoting. When you put up an affiliate link on your fanpage wall, your post will appear on all your fan's wall. Imagine 10% of that responding to that affilite link that pays $2 dollar per signup. That is a whooping $400 with ease. Now you know how the facebook fanpage can benefit you.

Now you can get any number of likes on your facebook via your website depending on the traffic that visits your website. What i am talking about is getting all your traffic or site visitors to becoming your fans on your fanpage. In other words, for every visitor that comes to your website, they automatically become your fan. This is quite easy to implement.

For me to code this for you, it will cost only N4000. This works like magic because it will increase your fans' base on your fanpage. Again for quick result you will need traffic to make this have effect.

NOTE: This is not the facebook like code that sits static on your website while you hoping to have at least somebody like your facebook page. This is one that will definitely get every single person to click and become your fan.

For more info you can call me on 08166234713