First Blogging Basics Issue

In this first issue we're going to go over exactly what a blog
is and you should have one.

A blog is another name for a weblog. Which is an online journal
or diary that is frequently updated. All you need to start your
own blog today is a computer, some typing skills, the urge to
write about something you enjoy. In the beginning blogs were
usually started by college students and teens. Now, almost
everyone has heard of them, read them and even started them.
No matter what age you are it's extremely simple these days
to start your own blog and express yourself.

But, before you decide to jump into the vast world of
blogging, it is important to determine what your purpose for
starting a blog is. Here are some things to consider before
you get started.

First think about what your blog's topic will be. If you're new to
blogging, you can start learning about the ins and outs of
blogging by creating a personal blog. But if you prefer to talk
about something less personal and you are an expert on a
specific topic like computer programing for example, then you
may want to start with a more professional blog.

There are a wide variety of choices when it comes to blogging.
For instance you could start a:

Political blog - Where you can freely discuss your political
views and help promote your favorite candidates.

Opinion blog - so that you can release your personal
frustrations or talk about the details one's daily life.

Niche blog - where you can talk about a specific topic or
hobby that you are passionate about.

Educational blog - to share your knowledge on a topic
that you know a lot about.

Promotion blog - if you have a business that you want to
share with the world, then blogging is a great way to reach
customers around the globe.

As I said above, there are so many options available when it
comes to blogging and the choice is ultimately up to you.

After you have decided on a topic you will need to consider
which blog platform to use. There are a few. If you are new at
this then you may benefit from a free easy to use platform.
Blogger and Livejournal will be the best candidate for this. If
you have some experience with how blogs work and want to
host your blog on your own domain then Wordpress will serve
you well. These are all free and provide you with the tools you
need to create a great blog.

The only other thing to consider before using a free blog
platform like Blogger is that your blog's web address will look
like this

However if you choose to get a domain name registered and
host it then you can lose the .com part and your blog
address will be instead!

Now that you have picked a topic and chosen a platform it's time
to start posting entries on you new blog. Blog entries or blog
posts or simply posts are just bits of information that you put in
your blog. They can be as simple a short sentence or as long
as an article or report. You can post pictures audio's and even
videos if you like. If you want more readers to take notice of
your blog provide them with helpful and interesting content. A
steady or even increasing traffic flow is one of the major goals
of bloggers. Posting quality content is the key to achieve this.

Once you have gotten the hang of creating and updating your
blog you may want to think about accessorizing it with features
such as hit counters that keep track of your visitors and other
plugins that will help your blog become more attractive and
user friendly for readers.

Now you know exactly what a blog is and how you can start one.
Whether you want a blog to just talk about your day or to endorse
your business the key thing to remember is to always offer
useful, enlightening and entertaining content that will keep
your readers happy! If you do that your blog will be a huge

You might also be interested in our latest ebooks.

For more, visits my blog and leave and offline message
or send me an email with the subject: Blogging As A Career to [email protected]

Watch out for my next post I will be talking about designing and installing blogs.