10 Popular Blog Topics To Make More Money in 2012

10 Popular Blog Topics To Make More Money in 2012
Are you a blogger and wants to make some decent money from your blog in 2012, Every blogger has a dream to make money from their blog and become a successful blogger, so today we will share with you how you will make more money from your blog in 2012.

1.Health Topics
As our new era becomes Online and people find everything from the web even people buy cloths and do shopping everyday online rather to go offline shops. So nowadays people trust online rather than offline. People also find the Health topics to make their body perfect and simple.This is the best way to attract to your blog via writing some good contents and articles in your blog.

2.Fashion Topics
Given above health topics people are always looking some good contents about Fashion even teen girls and boys are crazy about them that how they can give them perfect look to their body, face and so on. So it is important to make some relevant and good contents about Fashion.

3.Relationships Topics
Modern statistics have shown that 90% of the people have an emotional part in their personalities that leaves an effect on the entire life per 15 hrs a daytime as an average. People find internet as the most secure way to improve their family relationships, thinking in the idea of self-aiding learning online about professional working relationships, love relationships and getting advises from people around the globe. According to the latest reveals, blogs with this area gets a vast and huge traffic.

4.Finance Topics
People loves Money will last till the end of this world. Blog with Finance topics can make huge money with them, because all of the time people find good and relevant finance topics.So this is a great way to make money with this topics.

5.Question and Answer Blogs
Let us go back to school to make the concept clear. Which instructor you choose to visit the most in times of need, the one who always had a solution for your problems or the one who used to tell you to “come later”? We all have same views about it I hope. So start making a blog about Questions and Answers. Just like answer.com, you can also start a questions and answers blog or a website and to earn money from it!

6.Celebrities Topics
As you know people are crazy about Celebrities such as Justin Bieber, Emma Watson and so on. So its better to start creating a Celebrities contents in your site. You can start a new blog about Celebrities and add start writing reviews, updates, latest photos and everything associated with them.

7.Buy and sell Topics
Ecommerce is like selling a products will make a huge money for you. Even If you can work like a middle man, creating a forum or website similar to olx.com, you can attract huge visitors each day.

8.Social Media Topics
Writting contents about Social Media such as Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest Tips, News and much more.You will make more money with them also. You can also see a demo of Mashable.com or Techcrunch.com they are making huge money by creating a Social Media contents, So think yourself why you won’t make money.

9. Technology Topics
Technology topics will always gets you on top such as you will start create a content about Mobile phones even when a new gadget/device is launched into the market, you will grab huge visitors from them.

10.Blogging Tips Topics
The best of the best topics of all time hits is creating a tips and tricks content, Blogging Tips content.Start create a blog of Blogging tips and write unique and fresh articles about blogging. People are crazy about them.

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Emmanuel Okon Akpan

About the Author

Emmanuel AKpan is an Expert Author of. He has writen inspiring articles and business-related articles for educating young entreprenuer. Visit my website today for powerful marketing tips and receive a special report of netpreneurs earning $100,000+ per year PLUS his new PDF eBook "3 SureFire Ways To Start An Internet Business And Strategies To Promote It" Visit his website at http://www.expressdelievery.com and get your special free wealth information