Are you tired of being broke? Do you want to change your financial status? Have you unsuccessfully tried making money online so many times you’ve lost count? Are you tired of being insulted or humiliated because you are broke? Are you tired of several money-making programs that don’t live up to expectations? Have you ever thought that you cannot start something for yourself except you have some huge amount of money? Are you engaged in a job that doesn’t pay you as much as you wish or deserve? Are you tired of having to endure taunts and teases from your family, friends and colleagues just because you are broke? Have you totally lost hope on earning some income online because you are made to believe that it's so difficult due to the fact that you've never come across a true and straight-forward system? Are you frustrated and confused about what to actually do online? If you answered “YES” to the above questions, then this might be the single most important letter you will ever read this year. Trust me! If I can do it, then you can because i only speak for what i know. Making money online or offline in Nigeria successfully has been called a “battle”, and if you have being trying to make money online or offline in Nigeria for a while, I’m sure you would agree. You’ve tried every kind of petty businesses or money-making program on the internet and some other places, all to no avail because even most of the so-called “experts” don’t know what they are saying not to talk of practicing what they preach. You read a newspaper and you see an advertisement on another “money-making” program and you rush out and pay for it praying that finally the program will solve your problem but after trying it out, you realize that once again you’ve gone for another useless seminar. It’s a good thing that you actually want to know about this because some people will always ignore every form of information that comes their way which is why their condition has never changed. Personally, I’ve tried so many packages online and offline & never had anything to show for it and later tried looking for a job but as we all know that it’s not easy to get a job in Nigeria. Even when I got one, I wasn’t satisfied because I was spending the little salary on transport and other minor expenses. It was more like wasting my time and money and I was very frustrated until I discovered this system I’ll be revealing to you. With this, you can earn between $15 to $30 daily (N16,800 to N33,600 weekly) or even more. It’s not a joke! It has nothing to do with unrealistic multi-level businesses, paid to click, paid to read e-mails or complicated online/offline packages that just cook up lies for people and making the idea of making money online/offline and using the internet/computer look so complicated, thereby making people like you confused about what to actually do. PLEASE STOP BEING DECEIVED, ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!!! LET'S BE REALISTIC.. I know what I’m saying because I’ve been into some of those unrealistic stuffs before and I can tell you that “I didn’t get anything from them”. You can make money online/offline only when you have access to the right information. But I’m glad that I stumbled upon this system that has changed my life and I’ve being into it for almost 3 years now so I just thought I should also share it with few people like you. You don't even have to be a computer or internet guru to get into virtual gaming. All you need is just to know the basic ideas behind it. Trust me, you don’t need to engage in some dirty jobs, walk around in the sun or be a slave to someone before you make a good living. The “virtual game money making” idea is really not new but it has been kept secret for a while by fellow virtual gamers both here in Nigeria and overseas but I just felt a need to reveal it to few interested and serious people (just for limited period though). Unknown to so many people here in Nigeria, one of the best and easiest ways to earn and take advantage of the internet (You don't have to be a scammer) is through “VIRTUAL GAMES” and it’s still a pity that several people are still not aware rather, they keep wasting their time looking for money where there is none . It's not something difficult or technical, all that is needed is just common sense. You don't have to be highly skilled to start. A lot of people here in Nigeria and around the world are making good money from several virtual games and I also did not realize this until I stumbled upon it after a lot of research and sleepless nights and getting the in-depth knowledge . It’s easy to understand that even secondary school drop-outs are making something from it after getting my e-guide and going through it not to even talk of someone that is more intelligent and learned. There is no special skill needed. You can do it yourself just by following the simple and easy steps/ideas that I’ll be revealing in this guide. I'm not saying that you are going to make some overnight millions or unimaginable thousands of dollars per day or week here just like most fake online system promise. The so-called "internet masters/gurus" tell you that you will make millions of naira or thousands of dollar in few days using their package when they(the so-called gurus) have not even made a penny from it. But here, you are sure to earn at least between =N=67,000 to =N=130,000 and more monthly which is still very okay to at least sustain and live above average here in Nigeria. It’s simply an online game that runs 24/7. It doesn’t sleep or stop and you’ll continuously see your earnings/profit right before you (on the screen). You can play anytime just by following and applying the simple guides/steps I’ll be revealing to you. You can do it right in your house as long as you have your computer and internet connection OR in a café if it is convenient for you just like I did when I first started. Registration, deposit and withdrawal of your earning is easy unlike some other online packages that make registration, deposit and withdrawal strenuous and frustrating OR where you can’t participate because you are Nigerian. Your earning is sent to directly and you can withdraw on the ATM here in Nigeria. It has being working for me and other people that have come across my guide and we have never had any issues or regrets. Withdrawal is easy and direct to you here in Nigeria (no intermediary). You don’t need any frustrating paypal or foreign accounts. I’ll also attach my own account page for you to see in the e-guide that will be sent to you just for you to see that it’s not a joke. I’ve being into it for almost three years now so I know what I’m saying. It is “FUN + WORK”. In this e-guide, you’ll discover the following---- • How to play this simple game and what the game is about • How to register • When to play to make earnings • How to pre-determine your earnings • How to recover any loss if there is at all • The simple formula to use for pre-determining your earnings • How to fund your account and start playing instantly • How to simply withdraw your earnings straight to you here in Nigeria with no stress • The things to watch out for when you want to play this simple game • How to manage your account and how you'll be directed to the game site main page. There are genuine ways of earning income from the internet but the challenge is that people hardly have access to the right information that will guide them on what to do and how to simply go about it. By now, I’m sure you’ll be wondering how you can get this vital material/guide. It’s very easy………….. Well, the original price of this “virtual game money-making guide” is =N=10000 but will be available to the first 60 people that orders at the rate of =N=2500 (IT IS AS GOOD AS FREE) and people are already placing orders and getting their copies. So it is now a matter of who orders on time as the price will rise back to the normal price once the first 60 serious people orders. Trust me, the content of this guide is by far worth more than the price attached to it but i decided to do that to enable people have access to it (even though I’m discounting for the first 60 people). I created this online write-up a while ago but i just decided to make it known recently as i did not intend to let this information out initially because i felt people were going to keep doubting and moreover, i noticed that the whole place was filled with unrealistic packages from the so called "experts" and i did not want to be seen in such light or be associated with such. After some consultations, I decided to bring down the price to =N2500 (discounted price) even though some people will still doubt the authenticity of this write-up but I thank God that I didn’t doubt when I started work on it initially because i knew that “I had to try something new to get new results” and i also believed in the words of billionaire businessman, Donald Trump that " If you are always scared to take chances or challenge yourself, you might never get to where you deserve to be. Well, the “doubting thomases” may not like to change their financial status as they will always doubt and allow genuine information pass them just like a university undergraduate did some months ago until his friend grabbed the opportunity and started getting something from it. I should be charging a lot for this material but I won’t because I want some people to also have access to it because I understand the situation of our country and I feel bad whenever I remember the fact that some people still find it difficult to afford a good life. Though I’m only providing it for a limited number of people (just for 60 serious people) at highly discounted price because I know the value of this user-friendly material I’m providing . So, it’s now a matter of who orders on time because after the first 60 people orders, it’ll no longer be available at the highly discounted price, i.e it will return to it’s initial amount of =N=10000 or even rise above that. So, for those that are ready to improve their situation and try something real and new and earn some extra income, just make a payment of the amount mentioned earlier i.e =N=2500 to GT bank with the below details…… Name- adomu yusuf Account number- 0033956447 After payment, text your name, teller number, e-mail address to08085038965 and the guide/material will be sent to your box in few minutes as soon as your payment is confirmed so you can check it in your box or print it out and start going through it immediately and STOP WASTING YOUR TIME. NOTE- Limited copy of this material is available because it’ll no longer be available for sale in the next few days or the price might probably rise once the target number of 60 people orders. Money back guarantee is also assured…. Please don’t act like some unserious people who will read the guide without applying what they have read in it. Apply it so as to get the desired result/profit. =N=10000 =N=2500 (discounted price for first 60 people) Grab this NOW while it's still available at discount price before its price gets back to =N=10000. STOP staying idle and complaining about lack of income or money to cater for yourself and your families. Limited slots left !!! For details/enquiry, you can call me on 08085038965 and I’ll gladly respond to you. SEE YOU AT THE TOP!!! Yours Sincerely, Mr adomu yusuf ... The sure way to miss success is to miss an opportunity!!!