The second edition of the YouWiN Business Plan competition tagged “YouWIN! Women” has launched. The YouWiN Women is an equity grant/fund designed for ONLY female entrepreneurs aged 45 years or less.

To be eligible for the Business Plan Competition you must satisfy the following criteria
You must be a proven citizen of Nigeria and a woman no older than 45 years (proof of identity: International passport/Drivers License/National ID/Voters card required)

  • You must have a post-secondary school qualification
  • Your proposed business venture must be within the national borders of Nigeria, and with the intention of employing Nigerian citizens.
  • Your proposed venture must not entail the production or distribution of weapons, alcoholic beverages, tobacco or/and gambling, or any activities in contradiction with the Nigerian constitution
  • You must prepare an innovative business concept summary

To register visit and for help in developing your winning business plans