Good day Sir/Ma,

I guess you've been having some fun doing what you like doing best; of course, it should include touching lives, positively for a better world. Agree with me? You should, don't you?

Well, lets go into the crux of the issue before us - I'm almost 100% sure you're on this page cos' you are either a LANDLORD or a TENANT, Right? If yes, then, that makes you and I one (I'm a landlord myself)

My Firm and I are graciously working on putting some smiles on the faces of landlords and tenants who might have had their own fair share of the long-lasting fracas in a relationship that ought to be one of the most cordial and peaceful in the world - LANDLORD AND TENANT RELATIONSHIP.

Now, you and I are going to put a stop (if you allow urself to be) to this development if we want the best ,either as a LANDLORD or a TENANT.

Do me this favour - send me your story or experience(s) with your LANDLORD (as a tenant) or TENANT (as a LANDLORD like me) to the following e-mail address, then leave the rest us:

[email protected]

Thanks for your patience to read through.

My esteemed regards, please.

Barr. Paul Ocheme
(Legal Practitioners), Abuja, Nigeria
+234 8067647844.