Last year, midweek December, I was browsing on the internet, looking for opportunities and information that would improve my financial income. I saw lots of information on many online start-ups and offline businesses such as binary options, forex, fiverr, sports betting, bulk sms, online investments e.t.c. so much, I could not fathom where to start from. Most were legal and sure but they are wasters of time, before you make money from them, you will grow old and feel stressed up.
I had to take a rest from the Information overload, suddenly, I had an hunch (INTUITION) to search some entertainment blogs to while away time because of the over information digest I had taken so I needed to cool off my brain. Fortunately, that was the best decision of 2013 I took. I stumbled upon an advert and clicked on it. The title of the advert was "Command Your Wishes", it was interesting so I wanted to get more information about it hence it took me to a site called "".
It was talking about about the story of an American man who left a Secret Brotherhood (dont be afraid, you are not joing any cult or secret society..Nigerians with their mentality, LEARN TO BE OPEN AND ADJUST TO OPPORTUNITIES) that had secrets on how to gain Wealth, Power, Fame, Business Success, Mega cash e.t.c (Do you boast of knowing all secrets so be optimistic) with ease and teach you how to be a Big Success in life.
The owner of the site is a Nigerian that has access to the information from the American Brother at
Please before I go on, you are not joining any secret cult, bowing down to any idol or performing any rituals to join any society but the summary of it is that you are gaining access to ancient secret information (NATURAL, SPIRITUAL LAWS THAT ARE NORMAL LIKE LAW OF GRAVITY AND AERODYNAMICS) that turns the ordinary man into a Man of Power and Success. You must just learn to apply it into your everyday life as easily as the Bible says, you should Do what You Hear hence follow the instructions given to you via the information you would have access to.
I am saying this because I was so skeptical, I called it another 419 scam but the curiosity to get the information would not let me sleep nor rest and the price to get the information was nothing compared to the what I will achieve if it were true. I had to be open and take risks, NOTE: This is a calculated risk I can take and would cost me nothing or little. All information is at the site at
I decided to give it a try by getting the information (a risk that has favoured me and exposed me to success secrets that made me command success when you practice the instructions).
The price when I bought the material was N7,500.00 for full access last year but when I checked recently, the price has upgraded to N27,500.00 for full access and for half access, it is now N14,000.00 (which means you will get the information without the extra bonuses that are very excellent) and now, there is also installmental payment of N7,500.00 hence if you want Half Access, you pay the remaining balance within 5 days and for Full Access, you pay the remaining balance within 10 days.
Who know why he has increased the payment, whether people are placing demand for this rare information and he has noticed it too or whether I was lucky to have gottem mine during the holiday festivals, I cannot really say but all information is at for you to get yours.
I am glad I bought the information, there is nothing in it for me than the information on the site is very good, uncommon and rare and he is raising the price up (that is what is making me post my testimony) and I just want the public to have access to it before he steps up the price again. You cannot make my money, I cannot make yours. The information there is priceless hence this is my gift to you for 2014, to let you know about the power, fame, success, wealth secrets which has worked for me practicing the information in the material I bought from him.
If you were me now, I will be wondering so if this guy has not posted this information here, How Would I have Gotten to know about the information at, that is the way I want you to think. Information is Priceless remember Oil Blocks are making money but do we have the money and information to enjoy its riches hence without information, you cannot know what is working or not.
Goodluck to you.
Good that you are being open and being a calculated risk taker for you to walk into the success and fulfillment you want.
Together, we shall all meet at the top.
Contact me at [email protected] if you have questions but all information you need is at and you can ask the owner himself all you need. His number, name and e-mails are on the site for your inquiries.
Please, you are not joining any cult or secret societies, performing any rituals, bowing down to any idol or god for you to get wealth or success. You are having access to natural, spiritual laws that are normal as the law of gravity and for your information, when you buy his material, he would send it to you via e-mail. Download and listen to it and obey the instructions there, is that too hard for you to do then you are on your own.
Have a great day.