Winning AMERICA VISA LOTTERY is not automatic visa. The interview determine applicant getting the visa or denial.
The congratulation letter sent to all winner reads about 100,000 thousand had been selected and about 50 to 55,000 thousand will get visa because the visa available is not enough for the total winner.
If any applicant want to get visa ,then the applicant must be prepared for the interview to answers questions corrects. and present right document

1,wrong filling of the initial notification letter
2,Filling another information which was not initially on the application form
3,Not having the right document to prove the applicant personality
4,Not meeting the required educational qualification which the minimum is 5
Credit olevel no matter your occupation it is needed
5,Applicant without minimum of five credit should not go for interview
6,Applicant with working experience without five credit will not be given visa
In respect of the kind of occupation you do. it is stated on the notification of
Winning letter that despite your occupation, it does not qualify you for visa
7,Applicant who can not answer questions correct despite presenting the
Right document will be denial visa.

The big questions I do ask applicant that won the visa lottery who are going
For interview is that what are the questions the consular will ask during
Interview. Remember the visa is not enough for the total winners that means
Some winner will get visa while some will be denial visa. You determine
Where you want to belong?

All money spent is non refundable if the visa is refuse. I welcome you to
FOCUSHILLTOP CONSULT, a travel agent that deals mainly on visa
Lottery processing and we have a special package for every applicant that
Are going for interview on the document to present,pre-interview,likely
Questions they usually ask applicant, general orientation and special tutorial
For applicant that are not prepared for the interview, to have the courage
And answer the questions correctly. the few that we had assisted was success.

For enquiry contact Mr. Richard on 08024995989 or email .
[email protected]