However much you think you know, you do not know everything yet. There is something called group thinking. The quality of your thinking, generally, does not appreciate beyond that of the people you relate with closely.

That is why it is written: “He who walks with wise men will be wise, but the companion of fools will be destroyed”. That is the impact of group thinking. That is why it is important to deliberately move toward people who have already become what you want to become.

It makes life cheap. It makes success possible and makes it come quicker than it would have come if you had to do it on your own.


Do not criticize success, learn from it. We must stop the attitude of believing that everybody who is getting outstanding success must have been involved in one crime or the other. There are good people who are succeeding in their respective careers and professions.

In many situations, the successful person is using information that is not available to you. Information is the best charm to use.

There is tremendous power in mentoring that transform you into the kind of person your mentor is. The result of mentoring is not just information; it is formation. Anybody who can influence your thinking has influenced your life.

The major difference between rich and poor people is the way they think. The same situations the rich people turn into money are the situations that make others poor. The difference is thinking.

Many people are afraid of change. When they move close to a mentor, and the mentor suggests that the way they are thinking is wrong, they becomes fearful feel threatened. Mentors stretch your mind. They recognize your potential faster than you do and challenge you to release your potentials.

They known that one of the greatest gifts you can give a man is a new perspective.

In whatever line or career you are in, have a mentor along that line.

However much you think you known, you do not know everything yet. Somebody else has another angle to the situation that you do not have.

Dr. Myles Mumroe once said; “All you know is all you have learned, but all you know is not all there is to learn”.

And it is written; “Let him that thinks that he knows know what he does not know as he ought to know”.

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