It is a pity that millions of Nigerian graduates are still thinking that they will ever be employed. It is not a prayer, for those who might be superstitious. It is a reminder of the biting reality.

I graduated from a foreign University, came back to Nigerian with the enthusiasm that with a foreign degree i will easily be picked up by one of the foreign companies operating in Nigeria. To my greatest suprise, that was just a sinderella dream. I met the scourging reality of the Nigerian society.

Determined not to be dependent, I move to Abuja where i meet a friend who introduced me to Network marketing. I tried my hands on a couple of them with little dividends trying to understand how they work. I then joined another which required me to write proposal to different organization to give seminars, lectures and training and then introduce the products. As a graduate, my approach was a strategic one and far from hawking and begging people to buy our products, we used our initiatives and creativity to add color to what we where doing.

Today, I and my colleagues are working for nobody at our own pace with monthly bonuses that keep us moving as we device greater means of doing our thing better.

Stop looking for a job, look for opportunities. Take a cue from the chinese, lebanese and indians. These folks come to Nigerian and make a kill out of the country whereas you who have been there can't see those opportunities that the come all the way from asia to see.

I and my collegues started with nothing, leave your comfort zone. I sleept otherside on several occasions. I lived in illegal buildings in Abuja eventhough my Dad who was very ok was in the same city. Challenge yourself and you will succeed. Remember heaven helps those who help themselves. There is dignity in labour. Let those who are stealing stop. Stop looking for easy riches because you won't be innocent. Success comes by hard work and God will favour you because when he created the first man he put him there for him to cultivate the garden, that is work. So God expects you to do something and amazingly when you start greater doors will open.

This is in no way a religious write up. This is talking from experience. I am back abroad studying for my Ph.D and the proceeds from the Multilevel marketing system i joined is what my mum is living on. My Dad pass on in a ghastly motor accident this feb. But I am assured that the two siblings i have still studying in the University will not suffer because a system is there for me to use to always generate funds for their upkeep and school fees.

The Multilevel marketing system that i joined which changed my life and that of my colleagues was brought by bell life style limited with about the best compensation plan i have seen so far. From nothing you could become something. This is amazing. You don't need to bother about the traditional way of doing business just talk about the product and get people to use them and help you spread the news of the products' efficacy. That all you need. It is better to sit down there and complain that you got no job. This is call sheer folishness. Go do something my dear folk.

If you live in Abuja and you got the tinest possible motivation from this write up. Stand up, never procastinate and stop yielding to failure. call:
Dr Godwin
or go to
Bell lifesytle kubwa, suite 25 Kubwa plaza, by PW bridge.
Free training on products and equipment usage is being conducted for Recent graduates only so take advantaged of that. For workers and Business people course fee: 10,000 Naira