Surprisingly, i glanced through some websites today and the most vulnerable website to attack is SWIFT NIGERIA NETWORKS WEBSITE -----

Now,when u log on to this website u will notice that,it is a link between swift and pay direct. when u click that link,u will notice that u will be re-directed to a page where u will enter your username and password. now,try and enter a fake username and password. when u login, one funny stuff appears on it saying that, your login is invalid. u will see something like this

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80004005'

ERROR: invalid input syntax for integer: "prily434"; Error while executing the query

/login.asp, line 16

with that,it tells me something as a programmer that,the type of database used on that website is known and strings bypassing will work on that website.i know powerful website designers will know what i am case any of u know any of ya friend that works with swift,it is high time u tell them that there site is vulnerable to strings injection whereby,a bad hacker can exploit strings malfunction on and plant a remote keylogger that can capture customers data and pin and infact,the hacker can decide to modify there database whereby he can change the bank details on that website.
pls,as a good nigerian,u can help spread the word to them.