Dear friends,
Follow the steps below and click urself to fortune and stop wasting ur time on the internet on things that don't worth it.
1. Register with the two sites below:

2. After registration, log in with ur username and password

3. After logging in, locate the icon "view ads" on dashboard. It displays certain number of ads for you and the amount of dollars attached to them. Start to view the ads and allow to run for 30 secs or 60 secs as the case may be. View all 6 or 7 ads and check ur account to see the cash has been added to your wallet.

4. Withdraw ur money when u have up to $1000 on the two-dollar-click and $6000 on the six-dollar-click. To withdraw ur account you need to open a payza account, which is an online payment processor.
<a href ="" >Get your FREE account with Payza</a>

From Mr. Chris