pls can i get some advice me on a course i could take that can give me a chance of specialization , a chance to be a proffessional and also a chance to be self employed and start up and manage my own buisnes . i have a bsc in political science from a university in nigeria but i want to swing into a buisness related field , i will be taken a premasters in buisness and english in the Uk in sept 2010 after which on completion i will be offered a place in any of the following courses

MSc International Business and Management

MSc Global Business

MSc International Hospitality Management

MSc International Hospitality and Tourism Management

MSc Human Resource Management

MSc International Human Resource Management

MSc International Tourism Management

MSc International Events and Conference Management

MSc international marketing

pls can anyone advice me of any of these courses that will be ideal based on what i have explained above

your suggestion is welcome