We are creating web pages for school(mini web) for just 20,000 your web page will feature everything you can get on creating a web site,
we help you upload pictures, school data which include teachers data and student data, we also upload you termly result please check out our web site for more http://www.pvsportal.com/ you can also contact us [email protected]...

so what are you waiting for! lets showcase your school to the whole world..

This services is eligible only to private primary and secondary school... you can also win a recharge card just log on now to http://www.pvsportal.com/voices.php and add your comment on our interesting topics..you stand a chance of winning a free recharge card in the next 24 hours yeah so log on now...
we are also recruiting marketers were you can earn 50,000 and more everyday submit your CV under our career section or mail us [email protected]...