America Visa Lottery is a yearly programmed organized yearly for immigrant to migrate to AMERICA and the immigrant will have the right to live, work and school and become AMERICA citizen legally.

FOCUSHILLTOP AND EDGE CONSULTING is a leading travel consultant that had a lot of experience when it comes to AMERICA VISA LOTTERY base on those we had help previously and currently.

APPLICATION FOR AMERICA VISA LOTTERY have rules every applicant must follow which are state below. if the rules are not followed it usually leads most applicant to be refuse visa at the embassy. There are three stages on the processing of the AMERICA VISA LOTTERY. The application is the first stage.

1,Applicant must use name. date of birth and place of birth on their document mainly(olevel)
2,Make sure your names, are being spell correctly the way it is written on your document
3,If married your spouse information is required and child/children for the application
4,No double application(you can only apply once a year)
5,The passport must taken with white background(50mm by 50mm)
if we are assisting you for the next application that is starting by oct2 till nov 30 ,2009 professional advice will be given to our client

For applicant that won the previous lottery and intending to go for interview FOCUSHILLTOP AND EDGE have a special package such as PRE-TERVIEW,DOCUMENTATION,LIKELY QUESTIONS TO BE ASK AT THE EMBASSY AND GENERAL ORIENTATION. We have experience and there being a lots applicants we had help and yours will be success.
For more details contact MR RICHARD ON 08024995989, EMAIL, [email protected]

Remember information is the power to success and the way it is being applied in life