Below are frequency questions honey consumer or seller ask: Which honey to buy? Do you buy from beekeepers or intermediate traders? Where can I buy quality honey? What are the simplest ways to identify “pure/original honey” Is honey quality a big issue for you? How do you assess the quality of the honey that you are buying? Do you feel that you know enough about how to determine honey quality? When you sell honey, do the buyers test the quality of the honey you are selling? What do you buy? ( liquid honey, comb honey, both) Pure Gold Raw Honey has many health-promoting qualities. It contains natural antioxidants, enzymes, amino acids, vitamins, and minerals. This most perfect golden pleasure also contains calcium, iron, zinc, potassium, phosphorous, magnesium, copper, chromium, manganese and selenium. Nutraceuticals are also found in honey. These important nutrients provide health benefits beyond those involved in normal metabolic activity to assist in neutralizing the free radical activity in your body, and are vitally important for overall function of your immune system. Healthful Organic Honey Comes Straight From the Hive Many people think that just because honey is "natural", any kind of honey is healthful and fine to use. This is simply not true. Unfortunately, most of the honey eaten today has been heavily processed. Like most foods that have been chemically refined, many of the healthful benefits have been reduced or eliminated. Herbal Medicines for the Treatment of common Diseases Pure Honey: It's an amazing medicine. For many ailments that taste wonderful. Even small children love the taste of Pure Honey. It's a booster for a large number of recipes. In any recipe that calls for granulated sugar you can substitute with Pure Honey. Simple use less amounts of Pure Honey. Your taste buds will let you decide when you have reached the amount you are happy with. 3/4 cup of Pure Honey = 1 cup of sugar as a rule of thumb. However, depending on where the bees are foraging you may want to add a little or subtract a little, it really depends on each individual. Pure Honey, nature's gold. • Pure Honey is GERM FREE and has many HEALING PROPERTIES. • Pure Honey is PURE and ANTISEPTIC. • Historians have said almost all Egyptian MEDICINES contained Pure Honey. • When EATEN daily, Pure Honey will reduce your body's susceptibility to, and cure, INFECTIONS. • Pure Honey is used to heal OPEN WOUNDS, BURNS, PINK EYE, BLISTERS, SORES, skin and scalp IRRITATIONS. (APPLY DIRECTLY) • Pure Honey heals BLISTERED EYELIDS caused by wearing contact lenses (APPLY 1 DROP DIRECTLY TO EYE). • Pure Honey counteracts and stops the ITCHING from insect bites and poisonous plants (APPLY DIRECTLY) • Pure Honey has been recognized as a cure for MALNUTRITION, OLD AGE, INSANITY, STOMACH DISORDERS and NERVE DISORDERS. (Recommended: EAT 3 TIMES A DAY). • Pure Honey soothes and relieves a SORE THROAT, and is especially effective when the honeycomb is chewed. The small amount of honeycomb swallowed as it is chewed will coat a sore throat with relief! (DO NOT SWALLOW A BALL OF HONEYCOMB) • People who eat Pure Honey daily have fewer COLDS and seldom have the FLU infection. (EAT DAILY BY THE TEASPOON OR ON FOOD OR IN DRINK, 3 TIMES A DAY). • Many doctors recommend EQUAL PARTS of Pure Honey, lemon and whiskey as an extremely effective COUGH SYRUP. • Pure Honey can be used as an antiseptic in any CAVITY in the human body. (APPLY DIRECTLY, COVER). • Because of Pure Honey's fructose content, many claim it is a CURE for a hangover. (Recommended: EAT 3 TABLESPOONS). • OVER THE CENTURIES, Pure Honey has been one of many cures which, if nothing else, did not make the patient worse than before he took the "medicine." • Pure Honey is pre-digested. When eaten, Pure Honey's simple sugars are absorbed directly into your body's bloodstream for INSTANT ENERGY. • Pure Honey contained some of EVERY NUTRIENT required to MAINTAIN GOOD HEALTH. • Pure Honey is FAT FREE, SODIUM FREE and has NO CHOLESTEROL! • Babies and Pure Honey. Pure Honey is not recommended for infants under one year of age. Pure Honey is a safe and wholesome food for older children and adults. How to Test or identify Pure Honey Can you ever test from home and be totally sure that you are eating 100% unadulterated honey. The term adulterated honey implies that the honey has been added glucose, dextrose, molasses, corn syrup, sugar syrup, invert sugar, flour, starch, or any other similar product, other than the floral nectar gathered, processed and stored in the comb by honey bees. Personally, when selecting honey in the shop, I think it’s almost impossible to tell the bad from the good by just looking at the bottle or studying its food and nutrients label. Buying honey in comb is one way to assure ourselves of quality product. Comb honey is sealed in the HIVE by the bees, therefore consumers can be confident that the honey has not been adulterated with sugar water. However, to boot honey production, some beekeepers feed their bees with sugar syrup so that the bees can convert the syrup to “Honey”. Do such practices have any implications on why some honey appears to be very clear and runny, just like syrup? What type of honey is best for you Honey, a bye product of bees as long been recognized for its healing capabilities and from researches conducted so far, original honey can cure over 201 ailments and this amongst other uses in the cosmetic industry has continued to fuel the demand for raw natural honey all over the world. Pure 100% honey is best and always will get it from HIVE. We sourced directly from beekeepers in north eastern part of Nigeria. Live a very healthy life and enjoy natures gift of unadulterated NATURAL HONEY. We supply for home, offices, industries and distributors are also needed. For information, contact…… Omacee Global Resources 08060022169, 08175867474, 08053307375 (Mr.Tony) Email:[email protected]