Graduates jobs guaranteed TRAINING
Replace your inexperience with this graduate training package this October 2014.
If you want high end jobs from blue chip companies or MNC, then you MUST come for this training irrespective of your discipline

Jump start your career, get rapid promotion and change to fast highly paid career by coming for any of these training
Increase your chances of getting promotion or securing new job with this training.
Job Opportunities for outstanding participants. Participants with dual Citizenship a plus for international Jobs.

Training Packages
1. ERP Sales Management
2. ERP Human Resources Management
3. ERP Customer Relationship Management
4. ERP Performance Management

Call Hisplus Systems Limited. Tel: +234-809-505-2922 or email [email protected]
Date: October 7th - 9th
12pm - 3pm or 4pm - 7pm
Weekends: Saturday 10 am - 6pm